Chapter 3: Friends. Y/ns POV

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"Yeah." Ethan said as he stuffed the paper in his bag and the two walked to class.  
       End of recap
As Ethan and I walk near our first class we start to hear rock music. "Is that the band?" I ask referring to the band 'Worst Day Ever' from the paper. "I don't know we'll have to check and go inside." Ethan said. When we both walked into class we saw the band. There was 2 boys. One playing the guitar and one on the drums. 1 girl. Playing the bass. The boy playing the guitar was fairly cute. Then the teacher walked in and turned off something. "Okay let's save that for band competition huh." The teacher said then walking up to the front of the class. The band put down their things and went to sit down. "Alright! Now I know I'm not the music teacher but after the court case well..... we had to let Mr.Ellis go." She said with a forced smile. I wonder what happened. I sit next to Ethan in fear of being made fun of. Ethan watched as the girl sat down in the table next to us. I  could hear what was most likely the boy on guitar. "Didn't your parents teach you not to take other people's seats?" He asked almost to what sounded frustrated. "Didn't yours teach you how to apply makeup?" Issac said back and reached his hand back towards Jamali. She looked at it and quickly high-fived him. I tried not to laugh, but Ethan heard it. Then guitar guy sat down next to guitar girl. Ethan looked at me and shoved the paper in my hands. "What do u want me to do with this?" I whispered quietly to avoid getting in trouble. He gestured his head towards the girl. I nod when I finally get what he's trying to say. I nudge the girls arm a little and she looks at me. I nod my head towards the paper and Ethan. She then nudged the guitar guy. He looked at her and then saw Ethan. He scoffed but then looked at me. He looked as if he had soon the love of his life. I stare right back at him with a smirk on my face.The guy stopped staring and poked the girl next to him. He then whispered into her ear and she looked almost excited. The girl looked at me and stuck her hand out. "Hi I'm Roz and I think we're gonna be good friends!" She said happily shaking my hand. "I'm Y/n and this is Ethan." I say shaking her hand but gesturing my head towards Ethan. She looks at him and smiles. The teacher stopped rambling and said " We will be doing a unit on love songs." She sounded hopeful that this was going to be innocent, well she was wrong. A smirk rests on my face as I think of a great way to fuck this up. (TIME SKIP 🦧)

Ethan and I walk down the hall and he turns to me. "Where's ur locker?" He asks. "Unfortunately next to church children." I say sighing. He looks almost excited. "Me too, come on let's go now." He says  grabbing my arm and pulling me towards his locker. I notice that I'm right next to his. "Ethan did you realize that your locker is right next to mine?" I question. "He looks at me and shrugs. "Actually I didn't but I'm glad that your next to me and not some bible study jock." He says happily. I send a small smile and nod my head. We both start hearing music down the hall and turn our heads. I'm hoping that it's the band again, but I was wrong. It's the church group playing god awful music. Ethan sets his stuff down and stares at the girl. I look at him in confusion and look at the girl then again his hopeless face. My eyes widen and my mouth forms an 'o' shape. I quickly reset my face as normal and watch them sing.

Honestly I'm sorry for not updating but school do be kinda in the way 😒 anyways I'll be back soon

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