Part 5

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Ethans POV
We're in the boys changing room and there's 2 people wrestling. Cool. I hear the drum kid from 'Worst Day Ever'. "Oh no!" I walk up to him and find him looking around the seat. "Hey man, have you got any papers? I dropped mine in the shower." He says. "Th-the pages in your maths book should work." I say stumbling over my words. I wish Y/n was here so she could do the talking for me. "Hey, how did you get into 'Worst Day Ever'?" I ask him hoping for an easy answer.he shrugs. "I didn't really wanna be in it, I mean I got a detention a few times and Bradley thought I was cool. Wish my parents thought so." He tells me, his words trailing off. I look away for a minute and walk away. (Time skips 🦧)

I hear the same teacher who was in our music class saying something to a girl. "Stacey if it's not blue, it's not hypothermia.mhm? Now, I know I'm not the sports teacher but if you all knew the debt we're in after the Mr.Ellis stock market fiasco, you'd be grateful that we even have 50% of our staff left." Mrs.Doyle says informing us why she's with us in sports as well as music. I turn to Ethan with a worried expression on my face. He looked at me and shrugged. I look to the side and see 'Bradley', the same kid as guitar guy, also leader of the band 'Worst Day Ever'. Mrs.Doyle walks up to him meanwhile Ethan and I are still staring. "You don't look like your dressed for sport Bradley." "Sport is a tool for dictators and fascists." Bradley says not wanting to even be here. "To qualify for the rock competition, you have to pass all of your classes." Mrs.Doyle says proving that he needs to do this or no band. Bradley looks over to me and sees me staring. He looks back at Mrs.Doyle to try and say something to impress me. "Y-yeah well.." He trails off. "Exactly." Mrs. Doyle says finishing the argument. I smirk at him until Mrs. Doyle speaks up again. "Sport is a very useful tool for keeping the body healthy!" The teacher lectures us until Ethan speaks up. "That's what they said about hitler youth." Ethan said. My hand goes flying towards my mouth to prevent me from laughing. Mrs.Doyle walks up to us and says "I beg your pardon?" "Started with a few laps, you all know where that ended up." Ethan says while Bradley walks a little closer. Once I gain my composure , I put my hand down. Mrs. Doyle makes a noise signaling him to continue. "Word war 2." He says like he's talking to a toddler. "Well, because of World War 2 let's just cancel sport today. And in respect to the Golf Water, Let's have no English either." Mrs.Doyle says thinking she outsmarted him. Ethan looks to the side for a moment before agreeing. "Yeah, yeah super respectful miss." He says while starting to clap. Everyone including eventually start clapping with him. Everyone starts leaving the field too. "Alright, detention." The teacher says done with him. Ethan turns to look at Bradley, who just stares back and walks off the field. Ethan and I evacuate as well. "You know Ethan, I think that he'll think about letting you in." I say encouraging my friend. "I can't do it without you. You know you gotta help me and maybe you can be in it too." Ethan says. I shrug my shoulders. "Maybe, I mean I can write music. Let's hope that you can read it." I say walking in the building.

AAAAA 623 words dawg 😩 I told you that I would have more ❤️❤️ byeeee

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