Part 6

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"So let me get this straight, you want me to write you a song for you to audition with for 'Worst Day Ever' and want me to ask if I can help with management and writing music?" I ask Ethan making sure I heard him right. Ethan looked unsure but seemingly steady. "Yeah, I-I mean if you want." Ethan says. "You know what, I'll do it." I say as Ethans face starts to gleam with happiness. He pulled me into a tight hug and repeatedly told me "thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I hugged him back just as tight. "Your welcome, anything for a friend!" I say smiling at his random act of appreciation. "Ok let's start!" I say cracking my knuckles.

Time skip🦧

I walk up to Roz and sit down next to her. "Come for support?" She asks me. "Yes and I was wondering if I could help too." "With what?" "You know, writing music, and management and all that kind of stuff." I say explaining. She looks at me and says "I'll see what I can do. In the meanwhile, I've been wanting to ask. What do you think of Bradley?" She asks me. I smile and feel my cheeks warm a tiny bit. "I mean he's cute but I kinda want to get to know him first, yeah? Like I kinda hope that I can be partnered with him for the love songs unit." I say still blushing. She smiles and nudges my shoulder like a total girl. "You like him!" Roz says in a sing-song voice. "Stop Roz, you're acting like a total girl!" I say blushing. She stops and says "you're right but so am I!" She says with a triumphant smile. I chuckle and shake my head. That's when Bradley, and Jay? was it? Anyways they walk in and sit down in chairs in front of what looks like a stage. "There he is!" Roz whispers to me which causes to blush. "Shut up!" I whisper back. "What are you two talking about over there?" Jay asks curious. Bradley looks back to us and stares at me while having a slight smile dance across his face. "Nothing Jay, just talking about the.." Roz trails off looking at me for help. "The love song unit! Yeah, in um Mrs.Doyle's class." I say quickly. Ethan then walks in and signals me over to him. I stand up and look at Roz. "Remember to ask Bradley for me, okay?" I say quietly. She nods and goes to sit next to him. Once I exit the room, Ethan pulls me towards him with a worried expression on his face. "Bro, what's wrong, why do you look so worried?" I ask. "I'm nervous that they won't like me!" Ethan exclaims. I look at him like he's dumb. "Bro, there's nothing to worry about just go for it. I believe in you!" I encourage him. He nods and walks in the room. I follow and sit next to Bradley. Bradley glances my way before looking back at Ethan who's preparing to play. Roz nudges me and smiles gesturing her head towards Bradley. I give her a look that just screams 'shut-up-or-I-will-punch-you-in-the-face'. She looks me up and down with amusement until she turns her head back to Ethan and the stage.

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