Part 7

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Ethan plugged in his guitar before speaking into the mic. "This song doesn't have a name, cause I'm not into labels." He says shakily. I motion my hands for him to continue when he looks at me. "I- I don't even care if you like it." He finishes. I nod in sort of approval. After a while of awkward silence he starts playing his guitar.

You think your so awesome, nobody's as cool as you.
You're gonna impregnate everyone, men and women too.
But don't call me when all the child support is due.
Cause I don't wanna be in your stupid band
He then presses the loop performer and moves on to the next instrument. I see Jay bobbing his head to the song
You're so well connected
You wrote the lingo, the vocab.
You're the king of the party
You know the dealer and the lab
But don't ask me why your band can't play
Cause they're stuck in rehab
Cause I don't wanna be in your stupid band
After that lyric he then played a sick guitar solo. I turn my head towards Bradley to see a reaction and only find him staring with an unknown expression. I turn my head back at Ethan and who's still doing his guitar solo.
No I don't~ want~ to~ be in your stupid band
No I don't (DON'T) want (WANT) to (TO) be in your stupid band!
    He ends his song and I just look at him with proud eyes. I turn my head to Bradley to see what he'll say. After a while he asks "Do  you know about the state school rock competition?" Satisfied I look away towards Roz. I nudge her and whisper "don't forget to ask Bradley, ok?" She nods and Ethan responds with shaking his head. "Every kid in the state goes, they vote for bands and the winner gets a recording contract." Bradley says vaguely. "That's awesome" "it's for sellouts" Bradley says. He snaps his fingers and Jay turns the computer in front of him playing a video. Ethan watches as Bradley says again "Doug skeleton. He's the toughest emo that ever came to our school. He paints portraits of his ex-girlfriends with his own blood. I once saw him kiss a man for 7 hours straight, while crying." Bradley whispers the last part. In my opinion this 'Doug' guy doesn't seem tough he just seems like a psycho.
"He hates his parents so much that he unearthed their coffins, burnt them onstage and then use their ashes as eyeliner." Bradley continues. My eyes widen in shock and I turn my head towards Bradley. Who the fuck would do that?!  "He's the only reason we do this stupid school rock competition." "And the recording deal." Roz interrupts quietly. Bradley turns his head to look at Roz, glancing at me for a milli-second. They both stare at each other for a good while until Bradley speaks up. "In order to impress him, we need to bottle up every single last drop of blood, sweat, and tears, and then sacrifice them to the god of emo rock. Do you understand?" He asked. I look back at Ethan urging him to say yes. "Yeah." He responds shortly. "Because if you don't, it's not to late to back out." Bradley says looking Ethan up and down. Ethan looks at me and back at Bradley. "No, I- I really want to be in this band." Bradley scoffs quietly. "How do we know your for real?" He asks. Ethan looks like someone had just kicked his dog and thought for a while. "I tried to hang myself at my last school." Ethan states. As soon as those words left his mouth, I gasped which caused all Roz, Jay, Ethan, and Bradley to look at me. Once I notice everyone staring I speak up for the first time "To be honest Ethan, I think we have more in common then we both think." I say. Ethans eyes widens. Roz pulls me into a quick side hug which I gratefully accept. "Yeah, and they expelled me." My best friend continues. Roz, Jay, and I look at Bradley who looks Ethan up and down before stating, "We don't need a backup guitarist." Ethan looks disappointed and lowers his eyes to the ground. He then tries to leave but was stopped by Bradley's words. "But we could do with a back story like yours." Bradley says before standing up and walking towards Ethan. "Welcome to the band." He says putting his hand out. Ethan shakes his hand and looks at me. I put my thumbs up to show quiet appreciation.
However the fun all ended when we heard a male voice. "Knock-knock, sorry to interrupt." Isaac said as Bradley sighs. "As am I" Bradley responds. I stand up and make a face of confusion. "That doesn't make sense." Isaac says happily. Bradley looks down for a second and responds, "I know." Bradley says annoyed already and to be honest I was too. "We've got this roomed booked from 3." "Misery hour goes from 2 till 4." "But today you'll find the hope group who's on the board." "Well I wonder what would happen if somebody just crossed it off." "Um you can't do that."
"Go check." The pair goes back and fourth which I presume is normal. Meanwhile I'm still standing, fed up with this conversation. "Ladies, Ladies. You're both pretty now Isaac, can you and your group jog on?" I say ending this. Bradley looks at me and smirks while Isaac smiles and walks away. Once their gone Bradley looks back at Ethan and smiles. Now let's hope I can get a spot.

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