Part 8 Y/n's POV

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"Worst Day Ever hasn't had a good guitarist in 2 years. Did you hear what he did at his last school?" We heard while Ethan and I were at our lockers. Ethan locker door then slammed as well as mine. "Ok wise guy." A random kid with curly hair said at he and his goon slammed me and Ethan against the lockers. "Have you got any idea how much interest your accruing? And you you look like you can give me a good time." He said to Ethan and I. My eyes widen in fear. My breath got caught in my throat. That was until we heard a voice shout.
"Hey, HEY, hey. They're with us!" Bradley shouts as we look at him storming his way down the hall. They boys let go and walk away muttering, "sorry Bradley." Bradley sighs and looks at us. He pats Ethans arm and says "Sorry about that." He then looks at me and steps a little closer. "Are you alright? I heard what he said." Bradley asks quietly. "Yeah." I say quietly in return. He steps back and looks at our lockers. "Look these lockers are for sellouts and fashion minorities. These are your new lockers." Bradley states looking down as Jay empty's 2 kids lockers. The kids grab their stuff and quickly walk away. Bradley pats Ethans shoulder one last time before nodding to me and walking away with Jay. Ethan and I grab our stuff and I notice that Roz stayed behind. She gestures her head to Ethan and I quickly get the hint. I put my stuff in my locker than walk away. As I'm walking down the hall Jay nudges Bradley, and Bradley walks up to me. "Hey y/n. So Roz talked to me and asked about you helping with songs and management and I've decided that you could be of some use." Bradley says.
  A smile grows on my face and I nod. "Thanks Bradley. Maybe we could work on a song together." I say. "That be great! I'm just hoping that we get each other for Mrs.Doyle's love song unit." "Me too. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if she had let me be alone." "Why?" There's an odd number of students in the class and I'm new so she might put me with a partner or not." "Cool, shall we be going?" Bradley said holding out his hand. "We shall" I reply taking his hand. "OI, guys wait for me!" Roz shouted while running down the hall with her makeup smeared across her face.

(Time skip 🦧)

  While we're in class, I'm sat next to Bradley this time hands still laced together.
Bradley was whispering to us both while Roz played with Ethans hair. Kinda cute couple to be honest. "We have practices every now and then, so I'll add you two to the group chat. Alright?" Bradley says as Ethan nods. "Alright. Good news everybody! World state pharmaceuticals have agreed to sponsor us! The school is saved!" As Mrs.Doyle said that Bradley put his head down on the table. I rub my thumb against his in hopes to calm him a little he looks up at me and smiles just a little. "Miss are those antidepressants?" Jamali asks unsurely. Mrs. Doyle hesitates for a second before answering. "They're serotonin boosters, we don't just give out antidepressants Willy nilly!" Mrs. Doyle answers throwing the 'serotonin boosters' at random students. "Moving on to our love songs unit, homework tonight will be writing a love song in pairs of my choosing." Mrs.Doyle says brightly. "Peter! You're with Josh, Otis you're with Toby, Bradley you're with Stacey. Tim and Neil, Ethan youre with trinity." Mrs. Doyle said. As soon as Mrs.Doyle said Bradley's name he groaned and hung his head low. I also notice that Trinity had started talking to Ethan about the project as Mrs.Doyle continued pairing people together. "And lastly, Y/n! You're going to have to be by yourself for this project." "That's alright Miss." I said. The bell then rung and the students began to flow out of the class room.

(Time skip 🦧)
Skip to after the scene with Trinity and Ethan 😢 sorry!

I arrive home and walk in. I go straight to my pet snake, Alfredo to feed him. "Hi baby. I missed you." I say talking to Alfredo. His tongue slithered out as I placed his food into his cage. I take a seat next to him and vent. "So I have to work on a love song for school and I found a good group of friends. There emo too so I'm not worried about being judged. Turns out there's another kid to tried to hang himself. I feel sorry for him. I also met this boy, his names Bradley and I think he's pretty cute." I said to Alfredo then took him out of his cage, holding him in my hands. "There's a girl too. Her names Roz. She's the one that got me into their band. I'm probably only gonna work on songs. Alright Alfredo. Bye bye." I vent then walk to my room.

853 words, sorry for the long wait

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