Chapter 13

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AUTHOR'S NOTE-This chapter is dedicated to demystify, who is responsible for getting me hooked to sci-fi stories! I was never before interested in that genre but ever since reading 'The Parallel Shift' by demystify, I have almost changed sides ;) If you too find it difficult to appreciate sci-fi, go on and read 'The Parallel Shift' and I promise you, you will enjoy the experience thoroughly!

 "Here we are," Victor said easily, as the car came to a halt outside twin metal gates leading up to a property that seemed extensive, atleast from Alexandra's vantage point.

As the metal gates swung open automatically and they entered the actual vineyard, Alexandra was stunned as she began to appreciate the simplistic beauty of the place. Different shades of green all around her, and a sweet scent pervaded the air all around them.

Victor, helping her out of the car, noticed her expression and said, "You look happy." It was admittedly a silly thing to say, but he couldn't help but blurt it out. Things in the car had normalised to an extent once they had both cleared the air about their respective feelings for each other, but a peculiar strain remained. It almost seemed like reluctance on Alex's side.

It scared him a little, he admitted to himself, to think of her concluding that this was a bad idea and that they should never contact each other again. He did not want her to pull back, but he wanted to give her some space too. Atleast till she had things sorted in her own mind and heart.

He was pulled out of his thoughts when he saw a familiar figure standing on the porch, waiting to greet him.

"Dad!" Victor exclaimed.

"Victor, you are back, finally. I have been getting so bored here without you." his father said. Turning towards Alexandra, he asked, "And this must be the lovely Alexandra Hastings."

Alexandra looked a little surprised, but quickly hid it and smiled at the man with the silvery-grey hair.

"It is so great to meet you, Mr. Drago. Victor has told me so much about you." she said.

"Has he, now? But believe me, my dear, the amount that he has told me about you is much, much more." He laughed out loud, noticing the discomfort that both Victor and Alexandra seemed to exude at that comment.

He ushered them inside the house and offered them refreshments.

The three of them made small-talk about this and that, but by the end of the coversation, Alexandra was sure she really liked Mr. Drago and that if Victor took after his father at all, when he was that age, well, he was going to be an extremely pleasant and interesting old man-not a cranky old geezer!

"I hope I still know Victor when he is busy not being a cranky old geezer," she thought to herself almost wistfully and laughed silently.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2015 ⏰

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