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Alexandra Hastings travels to Italy in the hopes of a whirlwind romance that would knock the wind out of her sails and a man who would make her go weak in the knees.

Victor Drago was a happy man, or so he thought. He lived in one of the most beautiful cities of the world, with a father who was also his best friend.

He knew they were destined to be together from the first moment he saw her. She only tried to throw obstacles in the way of their attraction, resisted it for as long as she could, before giving in as unconditionally as he had. He thought he had finally won the battle...

Neither imagined it was just the beginning of their struggles.

What happens when you find true love, but life comes in the way? Of course, garnished with laughs, giggles, tears and howls!

Whirlwind (On Hold-Will Be Back Soon!)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt