Chapter 6

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When Alexandra finally reached her hotel in Rome, it was quite late at night. Exhausted, she quickly collected her room keys from the reception and went directly up to her room.

She treated herself to a late morning the next day. She woke up around 10 am, skipped breakfast and started work on her research. She went through all the information she had collected uptil now, combined it with her own experience at each place and tried to compile it in the form of a travelogue meant especially for History aficionados. She had clicked quite a few brilliant photographs to go with the written material.

“Hopefully a few dozen rejections later, I will get a decent publisher for this, in case I want to convert it into a book!” She thought wryly.

She rubbed her eyes and looked at the time. “Whoop, its 2:45pm! If I don’t hurry, I won’t get any lunch today!”

Alexandra quickly put her notebook, books and stationary away, straightened out her clothes and bounded into the verandah.

The place was buzzing with chatter; it was so full of people. She looked around for a free table and seeing only one, quickly grabbed it.

“What would you like for lunch, signorina?” the waiter asked.

“I would like one mushroom cappuccino, a plate of artichoke and tomato bruschetta and a bowl of Milanese pasta, please.” She said.

Noticing the amused look on the waiter’s face, she hastened to add, “I’m just very hungry today. I skipped breakfast, you see!”

“Of course.”

Alexandra could only smile sheepishly in response.

When the food arrived, Alexandra attacked it eagerly. She was so deeply occupied with her work that she had not realized how hungry she was. She was just about to dig her fork into the bowl of pasta when she heard a familiar voice right behind her.

“Ciao, bello!”

Aw shucks, that deep timbre voice? It had been less than half a day since she had heard it. And at the moment, she was not sure if she was sad or happy to hear it.

She slowly turned around and came face-to-face with Victor Drago.

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