Chapter 10

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This chapter is dedicated to keen_writer1 for her lovely words of support and encouragement-they were a boost to my confidence and writing skills! :D

Early the next morning, Victor bounded down the hotel stairs and into the verandah to find Alexandra sitting at one of the tables, with her luggage surrounding her.

“You’re late,” she smirked, tapping at her watch.

Confused, Victor looked at the time. “I am not. Its 8:03 a.m.”

“We had planned to meet at 8 am, sharp,” she stressed.

“I never said ‘sharp’; you just added that yourself,” Victor winked at her.

Alexandra let out a long breath. Infuriating man!

“Okay, okay, I get it and I apologize. No need to get all huffy!”

She could clearly make out from his tone that he was thoroughly enjoying this. She could think of nothing to say to him at that moment, so she just stuck her tongue out at him, and then mentally kicked herself for it. Very mature, Alexandra!

Victor could only laugh even harder than before.

Alexandra and Victor were well on their way to Verona. The route was one that she had traversed before, but it was every bit as scenic as the first time. She could detect some awkwardness that had persisted between them since last night’s dinner, but said nothing, mainly because she suspected it was only one-sided. Victor looked happier and more relaxed ever since the dinner, if that was even possible. She shrugged it off-she tended to overthink.

Victor broker her out of her reverie by asking her, “So I have been wondering, why History and Literature?”

She gave him a dry smile, “Because I figured that I wanted to write all my life. History has the most stories, doesn’t it? It would give me a headstart, even when I did not have much to go on with.”

“And how is that going uptil now?”

Alexandra sighed, “It’s going slow. I had everything thought of, but I forgot one of the most important things in a writer’s life-courage to share their writings with the world. I stiffen up at the slightest thought of somebody else reading my work. I want to do it, I really do, but it is so hard. I am worried about people being cruel, dissing me!”

“I am sure you are good. You are being too hard on yourself, you know?”

“How would you know, you have never read anything I have written…”

“Just trust me. And if you don’t, let me read something written by you-I would be honoured!”

No longer comfortable with this topic, Alexandra steered them towards a new one.

“So, tell me something about your father.”

“My father is a wonderful man. My mum passed away when I was 12. I was actually quite close to her. She was the kindest person I knew. After her death, it was just my father and me. I guess necessity drove us closer. So close that now I cannot imagine life without him! He is fun to be with, cracks jokes, says the most interesting things-he is one character!” he added with a laugh.

“That’s nice. I am really looking forward to meeting him.”

And he, you…Victor said mentally.

Whirlwind (On Hold-Will Be Back Soon!)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें