Chapter 9

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This chapter is dedicated to kausani7294 for being the first person to read my story and for all the love and support she has shown me :) I cannot thank her enough.

Victor had just bid Alexandra good-night and was walking back towards his own room in the hotel. He felt distracted and restless. He could not really pinpoint the reason, but he had begun to feel this way ever since he had held Alexandra’s hand at dinner.

He had no doubt she had felt something too-her face had clearly betrayed that she had. He smiled, opening the door to his room. He had loved taking her small, soft hand into his own; it had felt reassuring. He couldn’t forget how right her hand had felt in his, how perfectly it had fit.

He thought back to how they had met for the very first time, by a turn of fate. He was speeding to Rome in his car when he saw a faint outline of a fellow-human just up ahead. The road looked lonely and he knew he had to pull over and help whoever this was. Who knew being a good Samaritan could turn out so much fun? When he finally brought his car to a stop near the girl, he was blown away by his first glance at her. Her looks were English, and she had long, voluminous hair that were escaping the tight ponytail she had tied them up in. She looked scared and tired, and his heart immediately went out to her. He had offered his help, which had been hesitatingly accepted.

After he had dropped her off at Florence, he never imagined he would see her again. And that thought, strangely, made him slightly sad. He couldn’t pinpoint the reason. Maybe it was because he had really enjoyed talking to her along the car ride; maybe it was those kind eyes of hers that he couldn’t get out of his mind; maybe it was the seriousness and sincerity that her face reflected… there sure were a hell lot of ‘maybe’s. All he knew for sure was that he wanted to get to know her better. The minute he drove off after dropping her at Florence, he regretted not asking her for her contact details-if not her cellphone number, then atleast her email!

He could not believe his eyes or fortune at coming face-to-face with her the very next day. It was a mystery of the universe, one he was thankful for, but did not intend to delve deeper into. At the same time, he was confused with his own over-enthusiatic response to seeing her wolfing down a big bowl of mushroom soup. He had never felt this way ever, and it shook him a little.

He gave out a low laugh, in the present. He knew he had felt stronger sensations than friendship for her tonight, and he was almost entirely sure she had felt the same way too. But he decided to pull his heart into control. He was sure she was someone who would spook easy. One wrong move, and she will run like there is no tomorrow!

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