Closed doors

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The carriage ride home is actually quite bearable. If I had told myself a few months ago that I should almost enjoy a carriage ride alone with Anthony, I would have never believed it. He has realised that I shall never be going anywhere and so has decided that his temper towards me must plato rather quickly or perhaps Benedict will shout at him once more. "I like the new dress. It is much less purple and much more Bridgerton."

"I much prefer it as well. It should be rather beautiful, Benedict spent so long at the modiste today that I surprised he did not stitch it himself!"

"The modiste? That is a strange place for him to visit, you do not think?"

"Why should it be?" I frown slightly, tilting my head as I consider what he said. Benedict should have no other reason to visit the modiste than reasons I have to visit the modiste, he simply likes to be there so that he may ensure they are being crafted so carefully. "I do not think so. He has been before when he has has dresses made for me. Plus, he is correct when he says that I should not be able to last mere moments at the modiste without needing the bathroom."

"I apologise, Peaches. I was not suggesting anything other than my brother's horrible taste in fashion. You have witnessed that diabolical green waistcoat that he only brings out on special occasions, you must see why I doubt his talent for designing dresses." He smiles at me and pats my hand reassuringly. "It is sweet that he does so for you."

I have a moment of hesitation where I think of what he has suggested. That Benedict should be having an affair with Madame Delacroix, but that does not make any sense to me. I am more than aware that they have had relations before, but they at least were whilst we were separated. And it is not as though he cannot be satisfied. After all, he is so keen to leave London and why would he be such if he was so eager to see a mistress? He has had such a negative attitude since we arrived, surely that is not the way a man shall act if he was seeing another woman, surely if anything, her touch should only make him want to stay longer. I think of this for a moment before I dismiss it. He would not do that to me, I shall not even entertain the thought.

When we arrive home, I am a little shocked to see Benedict at the front door rather than in bed. He has his coat on as though he is either about to leave the house or as though he has just come back.

"You could not attend the ball but you are well enough to be off gallivanting wherever it is you are off to currently?" Anthony does not hide his disapproval, scowling and releasing my arm from the gentlemanly grip that assisted me from the carriage. "If you were to lie then you should have at least lied in a way that excused both you and your wife, everyone was asking of your whereabouts. I have had to protect Peaches from questions of it all evening."

"I was merely stepping outside for some fresh air. I was about to go outside for a walk."

"Perhaps I can join you?" I look to him, smiling. It should be nice to spend some time with him tonight, even if that shall only be wandering the dull streets of London. It shall not be anything compared to the beautiful landscapes of Aubrey hall, I am sure, but it shall be nice to speak with him alone nonetheless. That is when my legs give way to a wobble. I have to grip quite hard onto Anthony so that I am able to stay on my feet. "Oh! Oh, I am sorry Anthony! All of the excitement of the ball seems to have left me slightly weary. Perhaps I best go to bed after all."

"Perhaps so." Anthony smiles. "Do you need help?"

"Oh, I shall be fine. I am sure you have accounts and money and property you must attend to!" I break away from his grip and move to my husband, who hugs me gently and kisses me quickly, before I return to bed.

I do not fall asleep, I cannot fall asleep without Benedict by my side. I suppose I have become used to him and so whilst he is not here, I feel strange and alone. I hear the door click and open as he returns, and I greet him with an instant smile. "How is my handsome husband?"

"He feels as though he is more exhausted than he was before, despite having slept for the entire afternoon." He collapses down to sit onto the bed by the side of me, removing his jacket and unbuttoning his shirt. He pulls it off his shoulders, extends his arms upwards which reveals his entire bare chest to me, and my heart cannot help itself when it skips a beat. His head tilts and he notices the way I am looking at him. "What is it?"

"I am sure I do not quite need to say what it is." I raise an eyebrow to him and lean forward with insistent hands that gravitate straight to the buttons on his trousers that stand between me and my husband. "I know you did not feel like it earlier but I only thought it might help you not feel so stressed?"

"You are perhaps right, my darling. I shall not stop you this time." He looks at me, catching me in a kiss, his hand gripping the side of my head as I try to make work of his trousers without being able to see them. Since we have been at Aubrey hall, and even before I suppose, I have done this often and so thankfully it does not prove too difficult for me. I am careful as I must blindly pull at his undergarments, and as my hands find what they are looking for, his face moves to kiss down my jawline and my neck as he breathes in sharply. "Uh... mm. I love you, Peaches..."

"And I love you as well."

Once we have done, he lies once again by the side of me with his arm warmly around my shoulder. Tonight, I lie so that I may face him, my hand resting on his bare chest as it rises and falls quickly. "Are you feeling any better, Benedict?"

"I feel much better, thanks to you." His fingers trace gently across my chest and up to my face, lifting my chin so he can kiss me with more ease. "You are wonderful, as you always are."

"I am quite wonderful, actually. I believe I am getting along a lot more amicably with Anthony, that is a good sign, do you not think? I have been here an entire day and I have not yet heard one insulting mention of myself from his mouth. Of course I do not know what he says behind closed doors but he has certainly not said anything to my face as of yet!" I smile and stroke my thumb in little circles, looking up at him. He smiles encouragingly, one hand resting around my shoulder and the other moving gently to my stomach. "It is still strange to me."

"Anthony being kind or our baby?" He kisses my forehead and although he has done this hundreds upon hundreds of times before, my heart still melts. "Our baby... perhaps we should begin thinking of our baby names. Possibilities both for if it is a girl and if it is a boy."

"Well, do you prefer names which are traditional like Benedict or names which are ridiculous and awful like Peaches?"

"Well I suppose from that, I can guess which you prefer, my darling. Peaches is not a ridiculous name but we shall stride for traditional if that is what you shall prefer." He nods a little, narrowing his eyes slightly at the ceiling as though he is so very deep in thought. "How about Charles? And... what of Violet? If it was a girl? My mother should love that." 

"As should I. I believe there is no better way to show our love for her." I laugh a little. "I am surprised you do not want Benedict jr."

"The child shall suffer enough with me as an incompetent father without him also being named Benedict." His laugh rings loud, and I smile happily as he begins to act as he does at Aubrey hall.

The Second Born Bridgerton's Wife // Benedict Bridgerton Where stories live. Discover now