Shes Gone Now

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Izzy's P.O.V
I've never felt this way before. So lonely, incomplete & unsatisfied. I didn't like this at all, I feel so mad yet sad, guilty yet innocent, missed yet forgotten. Drugs took over my body, mind & soul, because it takes away the pain, I've become addicted. I can't stay awake in the day because I'm awake through out the night. Can't dream because it's all nightmares, filled with silent screams still have yet to be screeched out and heard in the mid of night.

It looked depressing, the she has grown to become. It wasn't her fault but now she is the one paying the price. I sat on the bench feeling exhausted but I did absolutely nothing today. The crowd roaring, the crew giving orders, the loud noises, the bright lights- I couldn't take it anymore!


"Izzy, what are you doing here?!?!" She jumped out bed "I'm sorry!" I sobbed as we hugged, I was apologizing. "Sorry? Sorry for what?" She asked still we held each other "I'm not sure. For anything & everything I'm so so so sorry, Ana!" I pulled away "oh" she stared down at the floor. "I missed you..." She said "all of you guys." She admitted, fidgeting with her hands & stuttering, she has changed. I could see right thru her so clearly. "What's wrong?" I walked closer to her "just a little sad." She said then started to laugh a little "aren't you supposed to be on tour?" She giggled "oh yeah but I'll just take a plane tonight." I waved my hand.


Anastasia's P.O.V
"Okay, I love you & I'll be home soon." He told me before boarding his plane "I love you too." I hugged him one last time. I watched him walk down the tunnel until he was gone that's when I set out to drive home

Slash's P.O.V
Izzy walked into the hotel door & we all shot up. "Where the hell did you go?" We all asked him at once "I went home real quick." He shrugged his shoulders then went into search for a beer. "Home?" Duff repeated "how's the girls?" Axl asked "oh shit, why didn't you tell us?" Matt groaned "Asia?" I asked, words cannot express how much I miss her! "Yes, home. They're all fine! I dunno. & she's good." He answered all of us.

Something didn't seem right, everything seemed questionable, as if something drastic happened. Ring Ring, the phone buzzed. "Yup?" Axl answered the phone "where's izzy?" Candace's voice played thru the speakerphone "shouldn't you be asking where's matt? Is he your boyfriend?" Duff laughed "that's not the matter, we can't find Ana!" She said.

After those words I couldn't hear, see, or think. Wether I liked it or not I knew- I knew that this was bound to happen. It was part of the deal. My heart ached like a desperate, lonely 3am heartbreak feeling. I was falling fast & hit the floor hard.

Anastasia's P.O.V
It felt like being lost within my own self. I could hear myself shouting. I could see myself fighting. But I couldn't feel anything, I couldn't feel any pain, at all! It was too peaceful it seemed scary. I seen the car drive speed off, not knowing where it was going. It seemed like hour of stumbling in the 1am environment, then a car came cruising. "Hey!" I repeatedly screamed my heart but I was completely ignored. This went continued w/ 8 other cars.

I was tired now, with no where to sleep I had to put my imagination to use. The floor was seen as slash's bed, the dirt was just the sheets. I tried thinking of being a child & having sleepovers with slash. I actually giggled a few times before I fully dozed off.

The sun burned my eyes & frozen body. I smelled & I bet I looked horrible. I begin to walk down the long route as far as my feet could go. I seen the cars again but none of them seen me. Then, this little blue bucket car following 2 police cars came across. I smelt that familiar smell, it was alcohol & bad breathe with a faint smell of cologne, that smell smelt like home, like safety, like love. That's the smell I've come to love for years now.

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