Saving me

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I woke up on a messed up mattress with Asia on my chest. Thoughts of last night flashed in my head, we talked & laughed but it was late at night. No matter what, Asia is my other half, I tell her everything but last night we told each other things that I never wanted to tell anyone but not only that, we caught up on a lot. Yet, she didn't let me in, she wouldn't tell me how she felt or anything, she kept her walls up & that not what I'm used to from her. She was truly different.

I stared up at the ceiling & thought about what the lady said "she'll want to run off with you & they'll kill her" I remembered what my mom told me about the guy killing her dad & that she's next but I don't understand why. I mean, if I walk out with my arm around Asia they'll just kill her right then & there. "But why? She was leaving!" I talked to myself. What did Anastasia even do to be put in this situation? She was always the sweetest girl, big smile, talkative & now she just plain, doesn't seem happy & keeps secrets. I understand she's going through a lot but she needs to understand I'm here!

The clock read 10:00am, why am I up so early?? I tried to think of a way to get her out of her because I am going to take her out this shit hole. I spent 5 months, 2 weeks & 15 days for this & I don't care what I have to do, she'll come home. & if it means devoting my time to get her back to 'normal' then believe, I will devote all my time! I picked her up & put her over my shoulder. She moaned & groaned but went back to sleep, Asia was very light I could probably use 1 hand to hold her. I simply walked out with her on over my shoulder & they didn't even worry! I set her in the backseat of my car & walked back in. I woke up the red head that was laying on the other bed "hmm?" She squinted her eyes "can you help me? I need all of Anastasia's belongings." I smiled to try & give her a good morning "boy!" She laughed "okay, I don't wanna get up but all her clothes are in the drawers under the bed. There is trash bags right there, put her clothes in there if you'd like." She pointed "thanks" I went to go get a trash bag & start putting away her clothes "All of her other shit is in that other drawer & on top of the dresser." She stated & I was already walking out with her clothes, the men watched me but didn't say anything.

Once I was done putting all her stuff in my car I ran back in to thank the girl. When I was walking out for the last time the guys laughed "what?" I stared at them with a cigarette hanging out my mouth "you really think we'll allow you to take her out?!" One laughed "no but watch me." I started walking out "okay hold up. We need to take her back in!" Another guy stopped me "how much?" I said with a blank face "1,000 each & we'll all keep our mouths shut" he smirked. I reached into my car for a check book seeing that I didn't have that type of money on me. I wrote them all out a check "pleasure doing business with you, sir, have a good one." Then I drove out that dump.

Once I pulled up to the drive way of the house, all of the band lived together, I grabbed her like a baby & walked inside. Up the stairs, down the hall, in room there laid Taimie "fuck" I whispered. "Okay okay slash think. Axl is taking Erin to a photo shoot, Steven has Cheryl, Duff gots Mandy, Izzy will- well izzy will be just fine. He owes me one anyway!" I spoke to myself. I opened Izzy's door & he was actually awake. Izzy was siting straight up & looked left out the window, he turned to face me. "Hey, this is Asia. Uh long story short, she needs to lay in here." I told him & it looked like he lost his breath "what?" I stared at Izzy who was staring at Anastasia "I can't" he shook his head with his eyes bulging "why?" I put my hands on my hips "she's- never mind." He said & waved his hand signaling me to leave, so I did.

Izzy's P.O.V
It was like looking at a unicorn or a real life smurf or something but she was beautiful, gorgeous! Wow, I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Nice big lips, long wavy blonde hair, flawless skin, really skinny. I didn't like how skinny she was but I still found her beautiful. I put the blanket on her cause she was asleep yet, she flinched. So this is Anastasia, Slash's childhood bestfriend, possibly they were each other's first love, oh & she's the girl from the strip club from last night.

Last night was weird Slash said that him & Taimie are dating but that's not true. Then, Slash spent the night with her. Slash didn't talk about her very often but when her name did pop up he would go on for hours talking about her. I usually toned him out but if I knew she was this beautiful, I would've listened. I couldn't stop looking at her, I'd bet she'd steal everyone's attention. I started to worry about when she'd wake up, what I could say or do? Sure enough, right when I started thinking about that: she woke up!

"Uh?" She furrowed her eyebrows & gave me a confused look "I'm izzy, Slash's band mate..." I stated & she just stared at me "he put you in her because he's making room" I said quickly "what happened? How did I get here?" She groaned & begin to stretch "he brought you home..." I just watched her, it was actually shocking how beautiful she was! "Oh shit!" She look at me with big eyes as if she just seen a ghost "what?" I got worried "Fuck!" She kept repeating until she walked out "Slash!" I heard her scream in the hallways I watched her by my door, Steven & his wife Cheryl were watching along with Duff "what?" I heard him shout "I can't be here!" She yelled "No it's okay! You're safe!" He reassured, now Duff's wife Amanda (Mandy) was watching "please slash, take me!" She hollered "take me now!" She panicked "Asia, no you don't understand!" Slash said loud "no, Saulie, you don't understand!" Anastasia cried out, literally Taimie came out of nowhere "Saulie?! No, bitch, only I call him that!" She rolled her eyes "Bitch, the fuck? Get your sloppy-second ass out of here!" Asia told her "oooo" Mandy softly said with a giggle "Mandy, shut up!" Duff lightly pushed her back into the room. "Who the fuck do you think you're talking to? I was here first!" Taimie snickered "Taimie, shut the fuck up & take a seat. Her & Slash were arguing it didn't have shit to do with you, take your raggedy ass out of their conversation!" Cheryl jumped in "So what, bitch? What are you gonna do?" Taimie taunted Cheryl "I will show you!" Cheryl was gonna walk but Steven held her back "you ain't gonna do shit, go in the room!" Steven said firmly "but-" Cheryl pouted "in the room!" He pointed "Steve-" she looked at him "in the room!" Steven said & she groaned but went into the room along with Steven.


They 'talked' things out, Slash & Asia but because she's pissed, she is staying in my room (it was her idea) She had a lot of clothes & makeup then I thought that she just might be a dumb blonde, that was a turnoff. She was digging through her stuff while crying, she had been crying since she woke up. "Uhh, are you okay?" I asked awkwardly while strumming my acoustic guitar "well I'm crying aren't I?" She smiled at me while tears fell "wanna talk about it?" I asked "I thought you were the 'quiet' one?" She sniffled "yeah but if you wanna talk..." I mumbled "Slash doesn't understand shit!" She said then laid on my bed strung at the ceiling "why?" I asked, one hand held up my head as I stared at her "just things, don't feel like talking about it.." She said softly then begin bawling her eyes out. I just grabbed her & begun to hug her, she fell asleep in my arms.

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