The Aftermath

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Slash's P.O.V
It was 11:00pm in the afternoon, New Year's Eve. I knew they aren't allowing any visits but I bought a wad of cash w/ me, so they better let me in.

Trey, my bodyguard, drove me to the hospital. "If they don't let you in then I'll be parked by that tree." He mentioned then I walked toward passed the sliding doors. "Hi, how may I help you?" She took a quick glance at me then did a double take. "Oh my god, you're slash!" She fangirled & I tried to take it easy, I hated girls who did that in public "uhh, can I visit Anastasia Ayala?" I said quietly while pushing down my top hat "we're not allowing but I could work something out just for you." She winked "thanks" I said then stared off taking in things from the environment. "Use the stairs to get up to her room."

Silent weeping & whispers were heard coming from Anastasia's room. I slowly opened the door to peek inside. She sat up with her head in her hands as if she received horrible news but, I had just received the greatest: Anastasia was awake. The butterflies fluttered in my stomach & my throat went dry, it seemed like I had a hundred people asking me thousands of questions at one time. I softly opened the door, not to over react or be dramatic seeing that she had just awoken. Removing the hands from her face to look up at me Anastasia whispered "hold me" those words were all I craved to hear from her.

3rd P.O.V
In her voice & in her eyes, you could tell she was extremely exhausted but her emotions told a different story. "You stopped loving me, Saulie..." She whispered into his ear, they were hugging but Slash pulled away. It wasn't even a question, she just said it like she knew. "Never!" Slash furrowed his eyebrows & a burning lump grew inside of his throat. "You never came for me" she stared to the floor in a complete daze, her eyes could show it. The tiredness, the sadness, the disappointment, the confusion, & the sorrow, her eyes too begun to water. "I was a sleep.." She started up "& I kept following this leaf. It lead me to some building, I somehow knew just where to go." She continued "there was a young boy, he looked really familiar. The boy was crying frantically I kept trying to asking him why but he never responded...." Anastasia paused then looked up at slash, his hands were folded & placed to cover his mouth but you could see his eyes, they look intrigued but sad, lonely, so drained.

"I followed the boy to the other room. He seemed angry now but innocent. There was a few bottles & syringes randomly left upon the furniture. The boy drank so much & threw all the bottles, he tired hurting himself also." She stared deep into his soul, he too was doing the same. "The boy made me hurt more, I cried & begged for him to stop but he wouldn't."

It wasn't long before they both realized it was Slash. "Why do you think that boy was hurting?" Slash's voice sounded deeper than usual "because of me..." She stated, then slash broke down once again. "I'm sorry!" He repeatedly said, in her dream it was him, it was true & he knew it "I love you & I'm sorry!" He shouted a bit too loud.

A nurse walked in "excuse me? Why are you in here?" She asked rudely "no, DeeDee, he's visiting." Anastasia told her "well no one can visit, now leave, sir!" DeeDee, the nurse, commanded. "He doesn't have to leave! He is staying here!" Anastasia protested "he's not a patient!" DeeDee said "It's fine, Asia" slash quickly said & walked out, Anastasia was left confused & shocked.

Anastasia was given some medication & was kept hospitalized for the next two weeks. But the boys were going on tour next week so, Candace offered to stay with her.

When Anastasia was sent home, Erin, Halley & Candace went to pick her up as the boys set up decorations for her coming home party. This party won't consist of wild whores, random men, booze or triply drugs but will only have GnR & their girls.

"Surprise!" They all shouted as Anastasia walked in, everything seemed to be in slow motion. She seen someone in her face & felt the warm hands rap upon her body. She grew uncontrollably tense, but she knew these people, she loved these people, why would her body react that way?

The whole time was filled with happiness but somehow Anastasia couldn't feel the joy. She excused herself & left upstairs. The lump in her throat almost burned & at the same moment she felt hot tears streaming down her face making her vision blurry. Bob Marley sang sweet words thru her radio but she couldn't feel the same as before, shaking & bawling her eyes out, she wondered "what's wrong with me?"

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