Break me down

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Taimie's P.O.V
Who's that stripper all on up on slash?! I was walking back to the bar from dancing with Steven & there's some blonde on Slash. The thing about 'Saulie' & I was we were friends but also lovers so tell me who is this bitch?

Slash's P.O.V
I held her tight in my arms & tried holding in tears by shutting my eyes but all I could see was Asia. It wasn't even Asia, she changed, she's not the same. Not because of the blonde hair or body but when you've come to know someone inside out you could see right thru them & I could see right thru her, it's wasn't the same Asia anymore. I'll admit when I seen her I felt something, something that lingered in the empty lonely parts of my head, it wasn't there anymore. Kinda like when you get baptized & you wash away all you're sins, in her arms, I felt like that. I hated this, the way she jumped on me & I could feel her bones pushing on me & the way she was as light as a feather. But none of that mattered, none of the changes sunk in...yet.

"Mmhmm" I heard someone hum, me & Asia let go "oh Taimie" I held Asia's hand rubbing her arm with my other hand "ehh who's this?" She looked at Asia up & down "Asia" I smiled & pulled Asia in for another hug. "Are you fucking serious?!?" She yelled at Asia "hold the fuck up, don't start getting crazy it's not like slash & you aren't together..right?" Asia turned to me. I loved Asia, she always had the space in my heart that no only could get to, I'd give her the world or I'd give up the world for her, anything for her, she's always been the girl I've wanted & needed but I met Taimie. She means a lot to me & I have deep feelings for her & she makes me feel some type of way. Even though I ain't officially dating any of these girls I have to choose between one because the truth is gonna hurt one of them.

"Uhh me & Taimie we uhh..... we are together..." I lied & I hurt Asia but if I would've told Taimie that me & Asia are together then I would've hurt Taimie, this is a fucked situation. "Oh okay" Asia said quietly "sorry, Taimie. I should go" Asia walked away & we all watched. "Slash, dude! Was that Anastasia?" Steven came outta nowhere "yea" I said while staring off into space "what the fuck?" He thumped my head "are you happy now?! You brought her down!" He yelled "oh shit" I finally realized what I just did & what just happened, it was like I was first opening my eyes & seeing the world.

"Anastasia!" I yelled "Asia!" I was lost in a hallway that had almost a million doors. "Anastasia?" I said every time I opened a new door but it was all just different strippers. "Oh my god, you're slash!" The girl shouted out, half of her hair was shaved off & the rest was blue hair "ahh yea.." I mumbled "Who?" A different lady with really long black straight hair stepped in "slash!" The girl with blue hair said really loud "what do you want?"the lady with long black hair asked "well uhh you work here?" I asked "if you say so" she shrugged "do you know a girl named Anastasia?" I asked "umm" she started to think "she's kinda short, blonde hair, huge lips..." I described "loves Bob Marley" I continued "come" she pulled me by the hand out of the room

"why do you want her?" She said very quietly & lit her cigarette "I need to tell her that I'm sorry, I just need her, I screwed shit up!" I said really fast & took a drag from the cigarette she handed me "she talks about you a lot in her sleep..." She said "I ain't a fool, she's loves you" she blew her smoke "& I love her too. I just fucked shit up." I sighed "I knew you would..." She mumbled "what do you mean?" I asked "I know you're a rockstar & out with you're band, Ana heard of your band but never heard your band, we tried to kept it away from her. If we allowed her to interact with the band then she'd try everything to get to you then when she'd leave & they'll kill her. I knew that one day you would stroll in & you'll catch her eye & everything she has ever experienced with you would come back then she'll know it's you. Like I said before you're a rockstar & evidently, girls will be on you that's when you'll say the wrong things then she'll run off. That happened right?" She winked at me "yes" I was shocked, how did she know? "Well help me, please!" I said loud as started to walk away towards the elevator "you can only help yourself by helping her from her self." She stepped in "It's confusing, I know, but her mind is a dangerous place for her to live in. If I was you I'd take her out of this place right now. Go to room 217.." The doors shut & she was gone. Only thing on my mind was room 217.


Finally I found it! I put my hand on the knob then paused "singing sweet songs of melodies pure & full sayin this is my message to you!" Bob Marley sang "don't worry about a thing! (I won't worry) cause every little gonna be alright!" She sang along, She sounded beautiful. It's funny, when we were kids she'd come over to my house to play that song then she would dance & sing her heart out & even though there was a huge smile plastered upon her, face tears fell, every time. I could just imagine her doing just that right now. I opened the door & I was right.

She stared at me, her eyes were bloodshot & she looked like she couldn't speak. I stared at her confused, shocked, & scared.

She was in a regular bra & underwear but her body. It was worse than I thought, I felt her bones when she jumped on me but I could see them now. She was skinny, really skinny. It scared me to death...

"Oh hi slash" she stared me with a dead look in her eyes, like the world dropped upon her shoulders & she was already weak, as if it was problem after problem for her. My heart sank because of her. "Asia, I'm sorry.." I said slowly like I was dying, really I was inside "slash, I'm fine!" She smiled & shrugged her shoulders like nothing was wrong but I could see past her smile & I could see clearly that she wasn't fine, at all. "No you're not" I said "I know" she broke down again & rushed into my arms. Then, I held her tight enough to break all her bones because I wanted her as close me as possible & I never wanted her to leave me, never!

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