Gone With The Wind

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3rd P.O.V
Guns N Roses drove in a small blue car with police cars following behind. They've come to search for Asia.

Asia wasn't there but her soul was. As she watched matt first step then all the men, she didn't even hesitate to run towards them. Little did Asia know, it was only her soul, not her. Axl was standing on the edge of the cliff staring down. "Axl! Axl!" She screamed & jumped excitedly but didn't go no response, she walked away confused. Just standing there & looking to the distance stood slash. "Saulie!" She tried to jump & hug on him, but again she received no response. She was confused, lonely, & weak, like a young child without any joy in their heart.

It was a few hours, Asia got no attention from the men, & the police called everyone together, they huddled up. "As of right now, her car is the only evidence we have." Officer Sam stated. "But other than that, we are pronouncing her gone." Officer Frank announced. Slash turned away. Asia was there, hearing it all.

"Slash, no!" She started up "I'm here! Saulie, I'm right here!" She held his arms. "Please." She looked up at him. Her eyes slowly turned puffy, her eyes slowly watered, one tear slowly slid down her cheek, everything was slow. "Slash! I'm here! I'm here! I'm here! They're wrong!" Then everything started going faster, the tears building up in her eyes, & the tears all falling, everything went fast. "Look at me! Please, look at me!" She started getting really cold & she could feel him getting, what seemed to be, distant. "I love you! Just please look at me & say you love me!" She screamed. The wind blew more & she was slowly leaving off with the wind. "Look at me!" She screamed once more, he turned his head & she was gone.

GnR silently said a prayer before playing all night in St. Louis. They couldn't get away from all the questions "Where's Anastasia?" "What happened to Anastasia?" It was hard trying to accept the fact that she's gone but it was harder when the whole word won't leave ig alone. Obviously, the boys were under so much pressure & tension. Rocket Queen was playing loud & proud, everything seemed fine.

"Hey! Someone get him! Stop him!" Axl shouted & pointed into the crowd towards the man with a camera "fine! I'll get it!" Axl jumped off stage & started fighting the fan. Until the security ended the situation & Axl made it back upstairs. "Thanks to the lame ass security, I'm going home!" Axl slammed the microphone.

Day in & day out the stress & anger grew at such a fast rate. Everyone began snapping & hating on other, this was tearing them apart mentally & emotionally. The media had GnR in every magazine, marking them as time bombs or world's most dangerous band. It painted a bad reputation on the boys. Although, they seem angry & fierce, they weren't. The men just became lonely & mean, it's not what they wanted but they reached their limit.

They had to cancel the tour & drive home, it would be to much for them. But slash, slash was gone now. He too was gone with the wind like Anastasia. They made it home & no one spoke, they just left into their rooms locking themselves up.

As morning came, now one had any motivation to get up, except izzy. He had took his belongings & left everything & everyone behind. The band didn't know why but of course, they were very disappointed when his decision. No one really understand his decision but it was Izzy who felt like it was his fault & he really couldn't handle it, so he left.

Time with GnR seemed bad, Erin & Axl had separated, matt became abusive & Candace left him, Halley & duff are forever out on trip, & slash drinks so damn much he's always drunk & distributive.

GnR had to find a new rhythm guitarist, so they did a live promo to spread info about the try outs & it was the worst thing ever. Many people showed up but there was also many paparazzi. Axl didn't show up, matt passed out, duff was cracked out, & drunk slash decided to take over when the questions were asked.

"Slash, where's izzy?" A promoter asked "I don't fucking know!" Slash laughed while lighting his cigarette. "Where do you see the band going with the new guitarist?" A lady questioned "the question is: where the fuck are you going after this?" Slash smirked & put out two fingers, placing them by his mouth & stuck out his tongue. "What's happening with Anastasia?" An innocent man asked & the fire in slash's eyes were lit "why the fuck are you worried? Why the fuck are all of you worried? You're all so busy caught up in her life but no of you guys could help find her!?!? Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you!" Slash jumped off stage & fought the man until security removed him.

Back at home, late at night you could hear guitar strings being softly strummed. Slash laid on his floor with his guitar & a large Jack Daniel's bottle. He took a drink then anger grew when he seen he had ran out of booze. Throwing his glass bottle & watching the glass shattering as it made contact with the wall, he cried.

He was hurt knowing the truth. Knowing the truth that she was gone, with no return. He kept having a dream that she was in bed asleep with him but then he'd wake up, covered in sweat & filled with fear because she was no longer there, it was more like a nightmare that he loved even though it was killing him slowly.

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