Is that you? Pt.2

978 27 1

Slash's P.O.V
"Mom, Why are we at the airport?" I asked my mom. She drove me down to the airport with my friend steven & my new friend/ band mate Axl to the airport. I joined a band & we're famous, no big deal. I'm the lead guitarist & Steven is the drummer. Axl rose, red hair & green eyes, short tempered, he is the lead singer. Duff Mckagan, tall & blonde hair, punk, he is the bassist. Izzy Stradlin, quiet & greasy black hair, drug dealer, he is the Rhythm guitarist. We all work together well, we are signed to Geffen records, have people rapped around our finger, it's the life!

Anyways, my mom drove us out to LAX airport & I don't know why. "An old friend came to live with us...." She smirked then got out of the car, then we all did. "Who?" Steven asked with a smile, he always had one. "A really close friend." My mom giggled "Ola, do you know where a restroom is?" Axl asked "Slash, you know where." My mom raised her eyebrows & pointed towards me, with the telepathic connection saying "go show him" so I did.

Ola's P.O.V
Slash took Axl down to the restrooms so I took a seat waiting for Anastasia. Her mother & I had a talk before she came. Apparently, Anastasia's father was murdered & his killers are targeting Julie & Anastasia. Sadly, Anastasia has no clue & her mother, Julie is moving off to somewhere then will later write a letter explaining everything to Anastasia. In the meantime, Anastasia will live with my mother, slash & I. But now that my son has achieved fame, I think he'll be out & evidently, his bestfriend Asia will be right by his side. I sat with steven waiting for Anastasia "Ola?" He looked to me "hmm?" I faced him "who we getting?" He asked trying to hide a smile "well her name is Anastasia. Slash's childhood friend." I stated & his eyes lite up "oh my god." He mouthed "what?" I faintly laughed at his reaction "she beautiful, those lips & eyes & smile & oh my gosh" he told me while laughing but I knew he was telling the truth, she was a beautiful girl "you're too much." I smiled at him then looked on the distance "here comes slash, don't ruin the surprise." I said quickly

Anastasia's P.O.V
"Uhh, where am I going?" I asked as soon as I stepped in "paradise city" a man who I had seen before said with a snickered look. He had a beard & was bald, very skinny, he pistol whipped me & my eyes closed into a vast darkness.


"Get up!" "Wake up!" I was exhausted, as if all the blood was leaving my body. I was dehydrated, with absolutely no saliva in my mouth or throat. It seems like I haven't eaten in months & my digestive system is sending noises vibrations throughout my body. My eyes felt like a sand storm just flew by leaving my eyes dry. I feel like I just completed running a 10K run, nonstop! My jaw was burning hot & as if it was being cut. My arms were almost going to fall right out of the socket, I had been tied to a rusty pole & held over a shallow hole. The environment looks like it had been left alone for decades, like no one has ever lived here besides rats & spiders that crawled deep within the weak walls. It was dust that acted like a carpet laid under the old run down couch. My eyes were heavy along with my head, I was exhausted.

"Where were you headed?" His voice, it was really deep & uneasy to understand but I did. "South Central" I couched. That was a lie, but I was gonna tell him the truth. "Your momma is leaving to." He laughed & I didn't understand that, what did he mean "She needs to be marked then her to our town under." He commanded to some other very buff man, then left. The man came towards me & pulled out a switchblade, startling me, but he cut the ropes. He then pulled me by my left arm then threw me into a room. There was a girl strapped down, getting branded like an lose animal. I flinched & twirled to run for the door but the man held me down "relax, you're a special one." He said in a calm voice, I hated that. "Your getting a tattoo." He threw me to the bed, tied me down, removed my clothing & started the tattoo machine. The loud sound hurt my ears but not as much as the ink being forever marked on my flesh, I blacked out. "Wake up" he was pulling my hair then push me down so my head was able to see my inter-thigh. The code: 44327 was permanently inked on my skin. "It's your new name." He pulled my hair again while he was tugging on my hair he was pulling me along with him into a car, & again a big left handed haymaker was throw at me, knocking me out.

Ola's P.O.V
"Excuse, has Anastasia Ayala's flight came in?" I asked the lady at the front desk "Hours ago, as a matter of fact, she came over to me & said to tell Ola Hudson, she has gotten picked up." The lady said "are you Ola?" She continued "uh yes, thank you" I walked away. Oh no, this can't be no good, she knows nobody out here, who would pick her up? Oh my god, they knew! They got her, she'll get killed! I rushed over to the pay phone, shoving in a quarter but once I had dialed the number I knew that my call wouldn't be answered, Julie already took off. I walked back to slash & his friends "let's go" I said quickly & walked to the car with the boys following "what happened?" "Ola, where is she?" "Who were we getting, mom?" They asked questions but I ignored. When we got to the car everyone & we drove home. Slash's friends left off because slash was tired & took a nap. He didn't wake until 7pm then came downstairs "mom?" He called to me "hmm?" I looked up at him "What happened, ma?" He said whilst scratching his head "what do you mean?" I tilted my head acting confused, I knew what he meant but I was ready to tell him "you know" he stood up "Slash, sit down." I closed my eyes preparing to tell him "what? Why?" He asked but did as told "uhh, Asia, she ummm she was coming to stay with us, her father was murdered, her mother is next but they ahh they- they took her.... Anastasia. We were too late" I said slowly, I didn't want to but once I started I knew I had to finish, no matter how much would hurt him. He just stared at nothing in particular but he stared & inhaled for a long moment next he slowly exhaled, he then started nodded his head " alright" he said "yeah, okay" he was still just looking far then he closed his eyes & lowers his head, walking back up the steps.

Slash's P.O.V
Have you ever been hit so hard that whatever it was knocked all the air out of you? Like you lost your balance & you don't even know what it was that hit but it hit hard, like it was a surprise. Just boom! Every time I breathed in it was shaky then I'd hold my breath, quickly pushing it out after. Trying to understand in the simplest way of what I just heard but my heart refused to let it in.

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