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In the city's administration office. Two middle aged men were waiting in the gallery during the mid morning. One of them was Advocate Rajeev Ahuja and the other was Anil Tripathi ( the Personal Assistant of Saman Raj, the owner of Raj Builders). They were having some official documents in their hands.

Anil looked at his wrist watch which displayed the timing ' 11:40 AM'.

Anil said " It's already 11: 40. We've to clear the deal by 4 at evening. "

Advocate asked him " Where is Mr. Raj?"

Anil answered " He has gone to Delhi for a client meeting. He has told me to finish this deal by evening."

He added " The company is planning to start the project from next month that's why they want the deal to finish as soon as possible. "

Advocate Rajeev nervously asked him " Does Mr. Raj what we are going to deal in? "

Anil said " Why you are looking so scared? He knows everything. Yes, he knows the land is a government property. But we've done this many times earlier. "

Advocate Rajeev asked " What if he denies? "

An aged peon came to them with a tray in hand. The tray had two half filled cup of tea.

The peon asked them for tea. Both the men took the cup. The peon left the place with the tray.

A bell rang which was a call for the waiting customers in the office.

In his cabin Administration officer Rahul Verma was interrupted by a door knock.

Rahul allowed them to get in. Advocate Rajeev and Anil entered his cabin and sat on the chair which was kept in front if Rahul' s table.

Rajeev handed over Rahul the files.

Anil said " Sir we are from RAJ BUILDERS. You may have come through our company's name in newspaper articles.

Rahul smiled a little and said " I got it Mr. Tripathi. Your company wants to acquire the mining project from the government. "

Anil answered " That's true. "

Rahul closed the file and softly replied " Sorry Mr. Tripathi I can't sign this NOC. I have orders.

Rajeev told him " We've the price to pay you for. The valuer has calculated the price of the project. According to him it's 60 lacs. We are paying you 75 lacs for the same. "

Rahul said " It's not about the money. It's about the rights of those who deserve their own resources . "

Anil replied " But we are ready to deal in the land which is on the highway. We can get you that one at a low cost. "

Rahul asked " That land which has already been abandoned by your own company because of the contaminated sewer lines. "

Rajeev and Anil walked out of the office.

Rajeev said " I knew it. He wouldn't sign the letter. "

Anil received a phone call from Mr. Raj.

He answered him " Sir. No sir. He hasn't signed the NOC. He is not accepting the deal. "

At evenings Rahul walked out of the office. He got inside his car and drove away. He was secretly followed by a car which was driven by Anil.

In a private bank a girl who was around in her 20s signed a cheque and handed over it to a female cashier. The girl was codenamed as BUTTERFLY who used to work for a PRIVATE INVESTIGATION agency named as ' WHITE EYE '. The ' WHITE EYE ' was affiliated with 'EYE' organization.

The female cashier handed over her around INR 2,00,000. BUTTERFLY walked out of the bank and left the site.

While sitting on the hospital bed, CORNFLAKE got a strap bandage around his waist from a veteran doctor. INTROVERT got up from the chair and asked him " How does it feel like? "

Cornflake replied " Feels like a python who has tied you tightly around the body. "

Doctor told him " That'll be removed by next week. Just leave your field work for some days. "

Cornflake's phone rang which was kept on the table nearby the bad. Introvert saw the name BUTTERFLY.

He said " It's your cousin sister ringing. "

Cornflake indicated him to attend the call. Introvert attended the call.

Butterfly asked " Cornflake? "
Introvert replied " No. Actually I am his friend. "

Butterfly asked " Introvert? I guess it's you. "

Introvert replied " Sure. That's me. Your cousin is here in front of me. He is good. "

Butterfly asked " He was saying that you are willing to meet me. "

Introvert replied after a while " It was regarding a suspect. I got your reference from him. I think we should meet at afternoon. "

Butterfly said " Sure. I will be in the library in the afternoon. "

Introvert smiled and hung up the phone.

Cornflake asked him " Is everything okay? "

Introvert said " All right. "

In the library when Butterfly was busy in her files she received a call from Introvert.

She attended the call and asked him " It's 2 in the afternoon and you're still not here. Where are you? "

He replied " Right in front of you. "

She looked at the door and found Introvert who was standing on the door. He walked inside to her and sat in front of her.

She said " Well I have heard a lot about you. Why everyone call you Introvert? "

He replied " The organization has given me the name. "

She asked " Are you actually an introvert? "

He replied " It's a fact. I am an introvert. "

She asked " I have seen most of the boys who wear glasses are bit more introvert. "

He replied " It might be true. But it's a little different in my case. "

She asked " So how may I help you Mr. Introvert? "

Introvert said " I am trying to track down a guy. "

Introvert pushed his phone towards her. She saw a sketch of a 30 year old man.

Introvert said " This man is believed to have sold explosives to some criminal and political organizations. That may cause a catastrophic event in the city. We are running out of time. "

She asked him " Does the man has a name? "

He replied " They call him Mr. Bomber. "

She said " I'll try to help you out. "

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