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Mrs. Dixit walked out of the bathroom after having a bath. Two masked gunmen opened the door of her living room quietly and stepped inside.

Mrs. Dixit got her hair dried by a hair dryer. She turned it off after a while. She felt someone's presence in her house as she heard slight sound of walking steps. She walked to the living room where she was grabbed by a thug from her back. He had put his hand over her mouth to prevent her from screaming.

The other one point his gun on her face.

He asked her " Where is the thing? "

Introvert had an opened TV remote in his hand. He analyzed the wires, buttons and integrated circuit of the remote on the table. His phone began to vibrate. He attended the call.

" You are taking a long time to turn on the TV. " Vinta told him.

" Because I know that's not a TV remote. "

He added " The circuit doesn't belongs to this remote and there are lot wires in there. "

" That's why it's not a child's play to deal with you. "

" We can have a negotiation on this. Just get her away. "

" It's not that easy boy. "

" Look. I can track her location, extract her and confront you and your entire people. Don't push me towards that step. I really don't want to hurt you. "

" You have already hurt me. My father was the only one after my mother. "

" Vendetta isn't the only solution. I did what I was ordered for. He was a black marketeer and a drug dealer. "

He added " We can have a negotiation upon your interest. "

" What kind of negotiation? "

" You must think upon it. You can earn what your father didn't. "

" I believe you have something in your mind. "

" I can help you out for your vendetta and a new life. But you have to leave her now. "

An SUV stopped at roadside. BUTTERFLY stepped out of the SUV and the SUV left the site. The driver made a call to Vinita to inform that he had left her.

Vinita was standing before Introvert at her house.

She told him " You've made a promise. Don't ever.. "

" I know the consequences. It will be yours. "

He walked out of her mansion.

PINKLIPS had a conversation with NAINA at a public parkpark while sitting on the bench.

NAINA told her " They were two. They met him that night while he was having his dinner. They handed over him something. "

" Do you know what it was? "

" No. May be some cash. "

" He rarely contacted me from that moment. "

She added " It might be because he was in contact with some dangerous people. Very dangerous. "

" Did he tell you something or his conversation? "

" I remember he hasn't tell me about them ever. "

She handed over her a flash drive.

" This might help you. Please don't tell about this to my manager. "

PINKLIPS nodded her head.

NAINA looked at her wrist watch.

" Sorry I've to leave now. My duty is on. "

PINKLIPS looked at the drive for a while as she was thinking about it.

While going in the car Vinita was at the back seat with SANJAY.

Sanjay aggressively asked her " You'd had a chance to finish him."

" I am no more a revenge girl. It's about the empire. "

" What do you think? Is he really going to kill the QUEEN? "

" He has to. If he has to save her. "

" Who was the guy who actually advised you to avenge your father's death? "

A number of cops were investigating the death of Mrs. Dixit whose body was in the living room and had wounds on her arms. The other unit was going through the murder of security guard of the house.

The crime site was seized by the cops. The Introvert was looking at the investigation scene by standing outside the site. Introvert was joined by the analyst.

The analyst said " They were two. Masked and had guns in hand. That was all we have got from the camera. "

" What was she doing that hour? "

" She was bathing. There were drops of water around her and the wet towel. "

A car arrived at the site. Mr. Dheeraj walked out of the car and moved ahead to the site with his female secretary.

" That's ridiculous. First Mr. Dixit. And now Mrs. Dixit. There is something wrong in this house. May there soul rest in peace. "

The Analyst whispered in Introvert's ear " He is the new chairman of the LIBERAL BANK. "

Introvert nodded his head and turned to Mr. Dheeraj who was about to leave the site.

Introvert called him " Mr. Kumar. "

Dheeraj turned to him.

" Yes. "

Introvert walked near to him.

" Actually I just want to express my condolences for your friend. It's a hard time. I've felt that. "

" Yes. But things are natural. Someone goes and someone comes in your life. That's all we can say but nothing is in our hand. "

" Yep. We've to remain strong. "

" Rest in peace Mr. and Mrs. Kumar. "

" I pray so for them. "

Introvert asked him " Sorry to say but can I ask something? "

" Yeah boy. Go ahead. "

" For how long did you know him? "

" That might be for 30 years or more. Why? "

" No. Just asking. "

He added " Thank you sir. "

Analyst and Introvert got into a car and left the site. The analyst noticed his face while driving.

" Are you thinking about something. "

" I am thinking about him. Mr. Kumar. I believe he is behind the killing. "

" Your suspicion might be a truth but we can't rely heavily upon that. "

He added " PINKLIPS had went to meet NAINA in the morning. She has got something. "

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