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Cornflake walked out of a grocery shop. He got on his bicycle and ride to his home. He was followed by a black SUV all the way.

Early morning at the university. Introvert walked into the staffroom where PINKLIPS was examining some answer sheets. Her table was at the left corner near window. She was alone as it was early morning.

He came to her.

" It's too early mam. I think so. "

" 9 AM is not too early I think so. "

" So did you meet her. "

" She had already lost her son. Seems she has been broken after the loss again. "

Introvert took a deep breath.

" Did she tell something about him? "

" Seems you have to have your lunch not in the canteen. "

Inside the kitchen of the restaurant, NAINA, the waitress ( fiancee of Abheek) washed her hands and rubbed with the towel.

She was called by the manager. She went to the staff section where she met her manager.

NAINA asked " Sir I think all customers are done. Only the bill payment is left. "

" We've a new customer on the table number 7. Please attend him. "

She walked out of the kitchen to the table number seven where Introvert was on the chair with a menu in his hand.

Naina asked him " Sir. Your order please? "

Introvert left the menu on the table.

" Well actually I would like to know about your fiancee. "

" Sorry sir? "

" Your fiancee. Abheek Mehra. I want to know about him. "

" Why? It's personal.... .?

" There is nothing personal in our profession. He is an outlaw right now. "

" How can I trust you? "

" You don't have to. "

An unknown guy who was sitting right at the two tables behind stood up and began to step towards Introvert.

Introvert saw the reflection of the guy the tumbler which was kept on his table. The guy was about to hit him but Introvert picked up the tumbler, turned to him and hit him hard with the tumbler on his face. It was seen by him that the guy had covered his face with a mask.

The guy held his own face as he was got hurt there. He ran into Introvert and pushed him back. Introvert fell back onto the table. Naina helped him to stand up by holding his left hand. The masked guy got his dagger out of his holster and began to walk towards him to kill him.

Introvert got his hand on a fork and dodged the masked guy who tried to attack him with the dagger. He managed to attack him on his neck with the fork. He kicked him on his hand which made him to drop the dagger.

The guy held Introvert's hand and pushed him towards the window. Both the man fell outside the restaurant after the window was broken. Both the guys had fallen on the street. The masked guy stood up and picked up the knife. He looked into the eyes of Introvert as he was going to make it end.

He stepped towards him but Introvert got his handgun out and shot him thrice on his chest. The masked guy fell on the ground immediately. Introvert uncovered the mask and found that he was CORNFLAKE.

He looked into his eyes.

" They are not good men. " Cornflake said  to him in a low voice.

" They will kill her....... Save her........ "

" Who are they? " Asked Introvert.

" They are dangerous. Please...... You've to save her. "

" Who? Butterfly? "

Cornflake died immediately. Introvert got his eyes on a black SUV which was following Cornflake the whole night. The SUV left the site which made him to suspect them.

Naina walked out of restaurant and was stunned to see Cornflake' s body.

Introvert tried to calm her down and told her " Call the cops and tell them about a Gunfiring between two gang members. "

She agreed and dialled the number. He left the site and walked to an aisle.

Mr. DHEERAJ KUMAR delivered speech at a conference in the Liberal Bank Headquarters. The viewers were sitting on the chairs which was kept near the stage.

He spoke " It's a grey day for the entire nation. We've lost a gem....... Yes. I.... I..... I am talking about our former Chairman Mr. Manan Dixit. He was not only a good man but he was my good friend too. He was always good to others. Everyone in the management. "

" Sorry..... I am getting a lot emotional. I am going far ahead from my speech. But the time won't come back. We've to go further. Mr. Dixit was the reason to get our bank more profitable than the last year. "

While delivering the speech he spotted Mrs. Dixit in the crowd. He looked into her eyes as if she wanted to talk with him.

Introvert opened the Cornflake' s house door with a gun in his hand. He entered the house and found a smartphone on the dining table. He picked up the smartphone of which the screen was displaying the finger print gesture. He tapped the gesture with his right thumb.
The screen displayed a thirty minutes countdown timer. He was baffled to see the timer.

" This isn't your house really? " A male voice came from the back.

He turned to the chair which was placed next to another table near the wall. He found Sanjay ( Vinita's caretaker) on the chair. He had worn a tuxedo and was having a cup of tea.

Introvert replied " No. It's not mine. The cup of tea isn't yours too. "

" No it's not mine. Actually I am addicted. That's wherever I go I manage to get this one."

" I don't think you were doing something right here in my friend's house. "

" Yes. Your friend hasn't done what he was asked and paid for. I am to finish the task. "

" So it was you who paid him to kill me. "

Introvert picked up the timer smartphone. He asked " What's this about? "

Sanjay replied " Guess! You've twenty eight minutes to go. "

" It's about BUTTERFLY. You are playing a game. "

" Not me. She is playing games. "

Sanjay's phone rang. He attended the call and handed over to the Introvert.
Introvert got the phone and talked upon.

" Hello "

" You've been busy all day. That's not good. " Vinita said.

He recognised the caller as Vinita Khanna ( Mr. Khanna's only daughter).

" So you are playing the revenge games now. "

" He was my father. My last hope. You've to pay for that. "

" I want to know where you've kept her. "

" Look at the timer. "

He looked at the timer which displayed twenty six minutes countdown.

" It's twenty six minutes to go. The more you talk. The less time you would have to find her. "

" This isn't the right way you are dealing with the system. "

" My father had never believed your system. "

She continued " This the only way for your redemption. Find her, save her and win the game. It's a fair play. "

She hung up the phone. He handed over the phone back to Sanjay. Sanjay left the tea cup on table.

" Good luck gentleman. "

Sanjay left the house with Introvert with no choice instead of race against time.

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