You'll Lose a Good Thing

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I was so nervous I wondered if Alan could feel the sweat in my palm right now. I walked over to the table and we sat down together. I looked at my father's face expression and he was smiling while eating his candied yams. I turned and looked at my mother's expression. It wasn't anger nor happiness it was blank. I gulped down the sweet tea and felt the nerves go down to my hands.

"Alan is it.. Welcome to out lovely home." My father finally broke the silence. The song on the radio had changed making this whole scene darker than it actually was. Otis Redding I've Been Loving You played in the background I didn't hear the conversation between Alan and My Father but all I saw were smiles and giggles from the two. I looked over at my mother who cracked a smile and this was going well better than I expected.

"Who wants some peach cobbler and apple pie?" My mother asked getting up from her seat, collected plates, and walk to the kitchen. She slammed the plates down and changed the song the record player to Bill Withers Ain't No Sunshine. I Heard my mom swearing under her breath Alan was wrapped in the conversation with my dad about football. She came back in with the pies. Everyone enjoyed the pies and cobbler Alan got up first he exited while kissing my cheek whispering he had a great time and he thinks my mom loves him already. My dad left next after My mom asked him to skip annual Ice cream after dinner because she wanted to talk to me. Elvis Crying in Chapel played as I grabbed each plate putting them in the sink. I heard my mother closed the front door and walked over to the table. I cleaned each plate putting them in the dish rack to dry. I walked in the dining room where my mother stood with her hand on her hip. I knew I was in trouble. She let Elvis play in her house. I picked up the plate silently with my head held down.

"Tina you thought that was cute huh?" She said

"Hmm." I answered pretending to not hear her

She said nothing but reached her hand out smacking my face with the back of palm. I stepped back, dropping the plate that Alan had eaten on.

"Good now I don't have to burn it."

"Mama he's a good boy he goes to school and plays football would you rather I dated some hood or thug that lived around here?" I answered still feeling the burning sensation of the smack

"You brung a white boy to my house not just my house but this neighborhood you know they were looking. We are going to be the talk of the town." She said pacing back and forth

"Does it matter.... I love Alan and he loves me." I said on there verge of tears

"Pshh you don't know what love is you're only 16." She said laughing as if this was some joke my mother didn't know what I meant when I said I loved Alan I meant if we were in an all white neighborhood or vice versa me and Alan will be there for each other. If i was being lynched he would be next to me we were inseparable. I would rather die than love somebody else other than Alan.

"Mama I don't care if he white, black, hispanic, purple or blue. I love him for his soul and his smile." I said crying hoping by now she could her daughter was in love.

"You gone burn in hell with them white folk." She said

"I'll burn in hell then I'd rather be happy on earth then be cooking and cleaning for a man that doesn't love me." I said

She ended up smacking me again I felt my face beginning to swell yaw my cheek throbbed from the last hit

"That boy turned you disrespectful.. I'm still your mama damn it." She said

"No, that boy's name is Alan and showed me what real love feels like it doesn't leave me in the house by myself all week and sleep with different men every night then come home like she's the perfect wife on Sunday." I said while tears flowed like rivers

"You're pushing, watch your mouth you know I can't control my temper." My mom said

"Do it... Do it beat the hell outta me... beat me till my face rearranges so that I won't like my father right.. because I was the child you never wanted to remember." I screamed everything was finally coming out and the reasons why I never went home and stayed at Jaz house most nights.

"Tina you remind me of that bastard every time I see you. He cheated on me with a young girl and married her. Now they are a happy family so I'm sorry if you feel like that but you're my way of seeing him just a bit." She said her voice boomed through the house

"Doesn't give you the right to beat your child til she's black and blue. I wished you've just aborted me mom then" I said wiping my tears getting up

That sent her overboard. She threw a plate at my arm as I covered my face making sure no glass got in my face. The plate shattered as it hit the floor. She grabbed a butter knife, swinging it, cutting up my arms and fingers. I screamed as loud as I could as she stopped.

"You stay right there.. You wanna be grown I'll show you're grown." My mom said going upstairs I took this opportunity to run out the front door, the cold hit my cuts as I winced in pain running to the only place where I knew I could go where me and Alan were accepted.

Jaz Pov:

"License and registration please." The cop asked as Ronnie rolled down the window

Ronnie reached in his pocket to get his license and I reached in my dad's glove compartment getting the vehicle registration. I handed him the papers and he snatched them out of my hands. He was one of those cops.

"No I need her license." He said never looking up from the vehicle papers I reached in my purse pulling out my license

"Officer may I ask why when I'm behind the wheel." Ronnie asked

"Trying to figure out if this nigger stole this vehicle. That's all." He responded

Ronnie was about to say something but I grabbed his arm and shook my head no because it was going to go down like this either way.

"Can you step out of the vehicle." He said

"Me or Him." I asked

"You.. you Nigger." He said harshly

I Looked at Ronnie and smiled. I unbuckled my seatbelt opening the door I walked over to the side of the car wiping off my skirt.

"Against the car." He said holding onto his gun

I was scared that he was going to shoot me but he did something much worse that I wouldn't wish on anyone. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2021 ⏰

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