Friday Nights and Fights PT 2👊🏼

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October 9th later that night

We won our game and I finally got a boyfriend I can kiss in public. It's such a great feeling in the world Me Tina Ronnie and Alan was walking behind the rest of the team. I was holding unto Ronnie arm while we was walking down the street he was smiling looking straight ahead. Tina and Alan was holding hands nothing could be more prefect. We were getting stares but nobody really cared we were in love. We walked past a couple of shops and got stares from white people who didn't approve I shrugged my shoulders. We walked past this restaurant playing Little Anthony's Tears On My Pillow. I looked up at sunshine who smiled

"Lets go in here and dance the night away what do you say?" He said smiling

"Yes of course." I said smiling

We walked in the restaurant there was nothing but whites inside eating. The owner named Hal I've heard of him before my brother and his friends were trying to eat here before but he said them colored folks don't belong here. All eyes were on us I grabbed Sunshine arm and held him close just in case.

"If y'all wanna eat I'd suggest y'all go around in the back to the kitchen to pick it up." Hal said I saw Petey walk out and slammed the door Me and Sunshine followed behind him. Petey was upset and I get it but it wasn't something we weren't use too.

"Petey I thought since we play football together things would be different." Sunshine said

"Things would be different.. Sunshine things will never be different just cause you date a black girl your still a white boy." Petey said

"C'mon now Petey that's not the right thing to say." Someone on the team said

"Man you know it's true Alan and Ronnie is going to put these two beautiful black girls through hell every white person isn't like y'all. Are y'all going to be able to protect them when times get bad?" Petey asked

"Petey shut up your just upset that Jaz chose Sunshine." Tina said

"Damn right she chose some cracker over me." Petey said

Sunshine walked up to Petey this wasn't going to end well with either race side

"Watch your mouth Petey no need to get disrespectful." Ronnie said

"Or what white boy?" Petey said

Sunshine it wasn't the smile I fell in love with it was more of a dangerous one he then something I would have never thought Ronnie would've done no matter how mad he was at Petey he punched Petey. Petey stumbled back and held his jaw

"You wanna fight white boy I'll show you how it's done." Petey said holding up his fists and their teammates tried to step in but Ronnie insisted that they didn't because it was something they needed to get off their chest.  I wish Petey would get over the whole me choosing Ronnie thing we watched as Ronnie and Petey both were beaten pretty bad and they decided to give up. I grabbed sunshine arm walking him home to make sure he made it safe. We got to his house he sat on the step he laughed I wiped the blood off his lip with my handkerchief in my purse.

"White boy huh?" He said laughing Ronnie wasn't looking good but neither was Pete but I felt more in danger I was in a predominantly white neighborhood at night and I never met Ronnie's dad so I didn't know where his thoughts were with interracial relationships.

"Why must you put up with Petey stunts you know he wants to make a fool out of you." I said wiping the rest of the blood off his face

"To protect you and keep you. Petey can say whatever he wants about me or do whatever he wants to me but he will never disrespect you or your decisions." Ronnie said smiling I couldn't help but smile. We heard the front door open and I jumped up relieving Ronnie's dad.

"Dad meet Jasmine, Jasmine meet my dad Colonel Bass." Ronnie said

"Hi, um Sunshine I think imma go now."  I'd awkwardly smiling and backing away

"Jasmine is it?" His dad said oh lord here is goes he going to tell me I can't see his son anymore. I was preparing myself fo this conversation.

"Yes." I said lowly like I didn't want to answer or hear his answer

"Your welcome to stay the night.. It's a pleasure to finally meet you Ronnie talks about you all the time." He said smiling and opening the door to his home. Sunshine got up and reached out his hand I took and he led me in the house. Sunshine led me to his room where there was trophies on his dresser ad awards he had a poster of a football player on his wall but I couldn't tell you who it was. He had hi old school jersey in a case and his room smelled like the cologne he wears to school. I sat down on his bed and he turned on his radio to a song I didn't know.

"Who is this?" I said pointing to the small radio

"You don't know hold me close by David Essex?" He said laughing

I shook my head no and laughed

"Alright find a station you like and ill be back." He said

I smiled and took of my purse got up and turned the dial until I heard a familiar song the Bee Gee's how deep is your love. I nodded and took off my shoes and removed the bow from my hair. I sat it on Ronnie nightstand. I hummed to the song and walked around Ronnie room looking at his awards. I felt arms wrap around my waist and a head in my shoulder

"Your really good at football." I said still looking at his awards

"Mhm." He said it was very low like he was content and happy. I smiled and thought about how I got here in this moment and what if I said no at the game would that be the end of our relationship would we still be together?

"What's this song playing?" He whispered in my ear

"How deep is your love by The Bee Gees." I said smiling

"Who?" He said

I turned around to see him shirtless I knew he played football but damn he was strong I tried to look everywhere but his body I cleared my throat.

"You okay?" He asked getting closer I stepped back but he grabbed both of my hands and wrapped them around his neck and pulled me close we swayed back and forth while the music his room.

"I like this song." He said

"I got let you listen to more of our music." I Said smiling he kissed me and gripped the back of his hair I pulled back and remembered his dad was here probably in the other room.

"Your dad is here." I whispered

"My dad is gone." He said smiling

"What he was just here." I said confused

"He left after we came to my room to give us some privacy." He said

"Ronnie your not getting any" I said laughing

He licked his lips and said "I don't want any I just want to sleep with you in my bed and hold you." He said letting go of me and sitting on edge of the bed. I took off my jeans leaving me in Sunshine jersey I climbed in his lap kisses him the song change to Bootsy Collins I rather be with you. I smiled continued kissing him his hands were roaming my body. I pulled back and lifted his jersey over my head taking off throwing it on the floor. He moved my my hair to the side and placed along my neck.

"Ronnie." I moaned

"Mhm" He said the atmosphere was changing and the music playing the way he held me this wasn't a spurt of the moment thing.

"Let's do it." I said looking at him he smiled picking me up and placing me on the bed lets say it was a night to remember......

Love Has No colorHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin