Face Palm

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That was brilliant! Tomorrow they all had classes though, and The Doctor was in a different year...
Well, the Sorting hat at least knew that he really a Time Lord from outer space. The Doctor really wished they could've ridden the train here...that would've be great!

The Doctor rambled on and on about stuff in his mind as they headed up towards the common room. He spotted Harry, Ron, and Hermione(Yay I spelled it right XD8) going into the common room, so he ran to catch up with them.
The Doctor walked to find the room completely red and gold with these big red chairs, and a fire. There were stairs that lead up to the dorms, one for girls, the other for boys.
"Hullo" The Doctor said, grinning, once he'd reached the trio.
"Hullo, I'm Harry Potter, and that's Ron Weasly, and Hermione Granger." Harry said, gesturing to the other two. By now, Rose had caught up to me.
"Well nice to meet you, I'm-" Rose started to say.
"You're Rose Tyler," Hermione said pointing to Rose, "and you're John Smith, which are both rather interesting names for magical folk."
"Muggle born." The Doctor said, gesturing towards Rose, before she could ask what a muggle was. "And I'd prefer to be called the Doctor, thank you." he finished.
"Doctor who?" Ron said.
"Just the Doctor."
Then the Weasly twins showed up and asked the very same question.
"Just the Doctor." he told them, but he knew they  weren't going to leave it alone.
They went and sat in the corner and started working over this piece of parchment, whispering to each other.
Now that's unusual for those two...
But of course The Doctor read the book so he knew what was going on...  He wondered if he should enter the tournament, maybe he'd get picked instead of Cedric. Of course...that's the only person who's place he could take without it affecting TOO much... He'd figure out a way.
"Doctor?" Rose's voice asked.
"You ok?"
"Yeah. Why?"
"You're kinda staring into space."
The Doctor turned and looked at her.
"I was not! Space is that way," He said, pointing up, "and I was looking that way!" he said pointing somewhere else.
Then she face palmed herself. Why do humans do that? It made no sense to The Doctor on why one would hit themselves.
Then The Doctor realized that the trio were laughing. Well, he guessed  that it's good that they didn't hate them. Then they all headed off to bed.

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