He said calmly

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That night everyone was crowded into the Great Hall, all excited to see who would be competing in the tournament. The Doctor sat with the Weasly twins, now beard-free, though he decided he might never stop calling them the 'Dumbledore Twins', and Rose sat on his other side. Next to her was Hermione, then Harry and Ron.

Suddenly The Doctor heard,
"John Smith!"
He jumped up and ran to the front, and headed towards the side door. He guessed that he had spaced out during the others but he'd  go in and see them after the next part.
Dumbledore was starting to dismiss the other students, when the blue flame over the Goblet of Fire, relit itself. Moments later, it turned red and shot upwards, expelling a small piece if parchment.

Dumbledore grabbed the parchment out of the air and called out,
"Harry Potter."
Nothing happened.

The Doctor saw the trio and Rose arguing about it.
"Harry Potter!" Dumbledore said again.
With that Harry got up and headed for the door The Doctor was standing by.

The Doctor slipped in to see Krum, from Durmstrang, and Fleur from the other school, he couldn't remember what it was called....(A\N: and I don't know to spell it)
Following him was Harry, Dumbledore, Karkaroff, and Madame Maxine, demanding to know what was going on.
Dumbledore then turned towards Harry, seemingly very upset.
"Harry! Did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?!" He said calmly.
"No." Harry stated.
"Did you ask an older student to do it for you?!"
Then Mad Eye walked in, and the Doctor kind if spaced out as they argued about the stupid rules, until Karkaroff said, "We all know that Mad Eye considers a morning wasted if he hasn't found six plots to kill him by lunch time."

That line made  The Doctor think of the time he went to Wonderland. Made a very good Mad Hatter, he did. But that's a different story entirely.

The Time We Accidentally Helped Raise the Dark Lord [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now