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Rose had gotten used to the classes by now, and the Doctor got her a sonic screwdriver that has a case that looks like wood, so it looks like a wand.
So far she was liking all of her classes, except for Potions. Rose didn't really like being in Care of Magical Creatures either, but Hagrid was nice, so she liked it all the same.
Right now they were standing outside of the castle waiting for the other schools to arrive. Meanwhile, the Doctor was jabbering about his DADA class with Professor Moody. Apparently he looks very much like Barty Crouch Jr., a Death Eater. Except younger.

Suddenly there was a bunch of 'oohs' and 'aahs' as this huge carriage came from the sky, pulled by these giant white horses. When they landed, the students who were inside, climbed out and crowded around the entrance door with us as we waited for the last school to get here.
And then a big whirlpool started swirling into existence in the middle of the lake. From those dark waters, a pirate ship emerged. It docked itself on the shoreline, and then students dressed in a blood red uniform with thick fur capes came ashore.
After that all three schools made their way into the Great Hall, and got a seat at one of the tables.
After explaining the Tournament to everyone, Dumbledore announced that
students above the age of 17, to which the twins groaned, may enter their name into the Goblet of Fire. The champions would then be determined three days from now. Rose knew the Doctor was hoping to get picked in the place of this Cedric kid...She hoped he did, though She also hoped it wouldn't screw time up.

A/N: Sorry! But I can't remember how to spell the name of the one school...ya know...the one nobody know how spell.

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