I forgot you can see through cloaks

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November arrived. Finally. The Doctor still had no idea what he was going to do about the dragon though. Probably sonic. He passed Ron on his way up the dorm stairs to find Harry. He still looked mad as ever at Harry. The Doctor knew it wasn't Harry's fault, but  he didn't need anymore enemies, so he decided to say anything. But after seeing Ron, he remembered that they had detention with Snape, which made him groan. The Doctor walked into Harry's room, to see him reading a letter. Sirius.

"What's it say Harry?" He asked. "Sirius wants to talk face to face on November 22nd. Sort of. I think he means through the fireplace."Harry said. "Ah.Well...he must have something rather important to say then. C'mon we better go before we're late for detention." He called, saying that last part while heading back down the stairs.


(2 weeks later/November 22nd)

"C'mon Doctor!' Hermoine said, waiting at the portrait hole. "I'm coming, I'm coming." He said, running down the stairs, pulling on his trenchcoat and putting the sonic in his pocket. "Ready Harry?" He asked, as Harry came down after me. He nodded and put his Invisibility cloak on, and together we headed out the door for the trip to Hogsmeade.

They went into the Three Broomstick,got butterbeer, and sat down at a table in the corner. They managed to slip Harry's butterbeer underneath the cloak without anyone noticing. "Nice cloak, Potter."a voice said behind me. To this, The Doctor face palmed. "I forgot you could through the cloak..." he muttered. "He can?" Harry asked. To this Moody nodded. Hagrid leaned down, pretending to read Hermione's S.P.E.W thing, and said something quietly to Harry. Then he straighteneda and left with Moody.

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