The First Task

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-Sunday morning-
The Doctor headed up to the castle, wondering how he was going to deal with a dragon. He figured he'd probably sonic it or something. It didn't matter as long as he got the egg that he didn't actually need. Man, knowing the future is really weird sometimes.

They day went by super slowly to the energetic Time Lord,but being a time traveler that was normal. The Doctor knew he sucked at being patient. Though he knew that for Harry and the other champions the day probably slipped through their fingers like water.

Finally they headed down to the arena to face the dragons. The Doctor walked in with Harry close behind me, as Bagman was pulling out his purple silk bag. Fleur put her hand in and pulled out the mini Welsh Green from it. Krum then pulled out the Chinese Fireball. The Doctor reached in, knowing that he had to pull out the Swedish Short Snout or something in time will be totally screwed.
He eventually figured out the right dragon and pulled it out. He grinned madly at the sight of the right dragon. But that meant he was going first. Harry reached in and grabbed the Hungarian Horntail.

Bagman sent the grinning madman out the flaps of the tent. The Doctor pulled out his sonic and stared at her, trying to think of a plan. Then he fiddled with it momentarily and ran up behind the dragon. He jumped onto the swinging tail and climbed  up the dragon's back. When he reached her head, he found her small ear and stuck the sonic in it hitting a button,which released a super high pitched noise right in her eardrum. While she writhed in pain, the Doctor jumped down, turning his fall into a roll and running towards the egg. He scooped it up into his arms and the audience went insane.



I'm not dead. Ok sorry. I  was away because life and now I totally regret typing this story in the first person but oh well. I'm too lazy to go back and fix it. Thanks to my not that great Smalls for how she thought The Doctor would beat the dragon. Nobody else had a better idea so that what I went with.

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