Malfoy Stinks

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A/N: The media is in honor of Leonard Nimoy, the actor who played Spock in the Original Star Trek Series.
*does Spock finger thing* (see we even call it a Spock thing because of him) He died on 2/27/15 (in case this is read like two years from now) from.....uh.....ya know I'll get back to you on that part it was something like CPD I think. I dunno.
"Do ya like my badge Potter?" Draco Malfoy sneered. Pinned on his robes, and every other Slytherin, flor that matter, and a badge that said
Potter Stinks
In bright green letters, shining on Harry from all directions.
So having had enough of Malfoy, and for wanted a bit of revenge on what he would try to do in the future, The Doctor pulled out his sonic screwdriver, and stuck it straight up in the air.
"You guys might want to cover your ears!" He called to the Griffindors, grinning evily. After they did as he had said, he hit the small button and a high pitched warbling sound was heard as blue light from the end of his sonic flooded the halls.

Every Slytherin now covered their ears, as each of the badges went from the green
Potter Stinks
To bright TARDIS blue words that said
Malfoy Stinks,
Then he turned off the sonic and put it in his pocket, moving to the side for what happens next. The Griffindors figured they could uncover their ears now, and Malfoy spat "So you favor the Mudbloods, or are you one yourself?"

"Welll..." He started, his head jerking to one side. "I dunno if I would count as a Muggleborn or not, really I do love the Muggles. Sometimes they can be so stupid but genius at the same time. It's brilliant how that works. But I mostly love humans as a whole because you guys invent stupid things like facepalms, which apparently bring meaning to what's going on. But it makes no sense.....-" He rambled, speaking rather fast. The Doctor knew that Malfoy could barely discern one word from another.
So Malfoy grabbed his wand, and Harry, seeing that action, grabbed his, and all at the same time, Harry and Malfoy screamed a spell at each other, and The Doctor ducked.
Harry's spell hit Goyle, causing sudden acne all over his face. It was disgusting to look at.
And Draco's spell hit Hermione, causing her two front teeth to grow at an incredible rate. They stopped growing shortly after they went past her chin.
And to make matters worse. Into the hallway walked old Grease Hair himself. Snape.

After watching him insult Hermione, and seeing her run off to the Hospital Wing, there was a great deal of yelling from The Doctor, Harry, and Ron. The Doctor knew he was yelling in Gallifrayian, and the other two in English. Lucky for them, the echoes of their yells masked what they were saying, so at least no one could tell  the Doctor wasn't speaking a language from this planet.

"50 points from Grffindor, for each of you! And detention! Now Mr. Smith, you had better head to your next class." Snape said, glaring at the furious Time Lord. And with that he walked into his classroom, the students following close behind.
Afterwords, The Doctor stormed off to DADA, muttering furiously in Gallifrayian under his breath.

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