Sneak peek at the sequel...

17 3 6

February 8, 2060.
Owlport Mental Institution

Rivulets of crimson flow through cracks in the mirror's silver surface. Chunks of the mirror are missing, lodged within the flesh of two mutilated palms and wrists. Bruised knees kneel on the cold floor. Screams through chapped lips. Tears roll down two blood-spattered cheeks.

   I was supposed to be okay. They were supposed to help me. They said this would fix me. They said it would set my mind straight.

   Isolation has only made it worse.

Sure, the exercises help, but they don't last. And I'm putting in more effort than I ever have. See, I want to be better. I want to be Serenity again. Not Amber. I don't want to be the girl I'd convinced myself and everyone else that I was. I want to be sane. I don't want to be a liar.

Squeezing handfuls of glass into my palms in frustration, my raw throat utters guttural sounds. Blackness falls upon me just as the attendants rush in.

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