It's Complicated

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September 5. Tuesday. 4:10 p.m.

Adam didn't make it to school. Dylan was there, so I sat with him in classes and at lunch. I'm sure it made him uncomfortable, being so shy and all, but he never said anything against it. When I asked if he knew why Adam was absent, he couldn't tell me. Said he had no idea. I figured he'd know, since he's Adam's best friend and they're so close they're practically brothers. But maybe there are some things Adam doesn't even tell Dylan.

   Yesterday's encounter with Tate has been lingering in the back of my mind. I've been on guard all day, but no trouble came. Maybe they just had to test me since yesterday was my official first day.

   I've started the walk home, having no one to join me anyhow, when something inside me says to go through town. I should get home and maybe eat something, but the cry of my gut is stronger than that of my stomach. And yes, they are two completely different things.

   I can't stop thinking about what Adam said yesterday when we were talking in front of my house.

   "As for playing guitar... You doing anything tomorrow?"

  "Not really, no."

   "Cool beans. I've got an idea. Come along with me when school's out and I'll show you something."

   What is it he wanted to show me? Why didn't he come to school when we made plans? Is he sick? Did he oversleep and decide there was no point going to school after that?

   Maybe I should see if he's working. He might've had an early shift or something.

   My first stop is the music store. After inquiring within only to find out he's not there, I consider checking the hollow from which he is known to appear and disappear. If I don't find him there, well... I'm not sure. But I'll come up with something. It just doesn't feel right not seeing him, and I've only known him for about a week. Besides, if I have to be honest, I'm worried about him. He was emotionally disturbed yesterday. I could sense that. And it was as if he wanted to be alone, yet he didn't seem to mind having me around. He did his best to remain civil to people, mostly by avoiding interaction as much as he could. I think Tate's behavior was really what pushed Adam over the edge, though. The way Tate was talking about me made Adam very upset. He told me so countless times yesterday. He also told me countless times that if Tate ever tries anything again, or says anything again, I'm not allowed to keep it secret from him, and is that clear?

   It kind of scared me when he said that because I don't want him to know about what Tate did to me. Adam doesn't I've been bullied in the past. No matter where I've gone, no matter how many schools I've attended, I've always been picked on and pushed around. Not sure if it gave me a thick skin, and I can only recall a handful of times I ever stood up for myself. Anytime I did, things only got worse. So I kind of gave up.

   Well, here's the hollow. I can either stand here and unrealistically wish for him to suddenly materialize, or I can go into the darkness and see what lurks within.

   The drizzle of rain decides to ramp it up, pouring freely. There's no time to think twice about ducking into the hollow of hedges.

   As I walk, I realize I'm descending a hill on a dirt path, and that this is really just a deep valley full of trees and sparse houses. A forest neighborhood of sorts. The rain still gets through the leaves, but it's not as bad down here as it was up on the sidewalk. Still wish I had an umbrella, though. It might be wise to purchase one next time I'm in town. Maybe I can get one tomorrow after school.

   A dark figure is behind me. My pace quickens. I pull my hood up closer around my face. The figure gains on me, then falls into step. It's Dylan.

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