Chapter 8

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Emily's POV:

"I fucking knew it, where is my five bucks?" Ali and I were now on our fifth episode of Border Security. A guy came through claiming he has lost his bags and was acting shady as hell so I bet Alison that he didn't lose his bags they just had drugs in them and of course she wanted to believe he was innocent so she took me up on the bet.

"Fuck." She mumbled going to look for her purse. Alison had put Molly to bed so it was just her and I on the couch now. It was nice spending time with her like this. We never really did this we were always too busy with college.

"Here." Alison said in defeat. She went to hand me the money but when I went to grab it she pulled away. I looked at her to see a mischievous grin on her face. Two can play that game. I stood up from the couch and walked towards her. I was still taller than her so I stood leaning over her. She didn't seem intimidated in the slightest bit. She ducked and moved to behind me. I turned around to see her waving the five dollar bill around. I took a step towards her and she tried to turn and run away but I guess she didn't realize the couch was that close because she face palmed onto it. I couldn't help but laugh at her. She was trying to be slick getting away from me but she failed. She turned around on her back with a big smile on her face. I decided to see if we were really going to take it slow so I moved to the couch and straddled her waist with my knees on each side.

"You're screwed now." I smiled down at her. I had no idea where the five dollars was now but I didn't really care. I took her hands and pinned them above her head. She hid her smile by biting her bottom lip and still to this day Ali bittig her lip is one of the hottest things I've ever seen. I was feeling bold so I leaned down so that I was inches away from her face.

"Can I?" I whispered. I didn't want to kiss her if she didn't want me to. She just nodded so without missing a beat I connected out lips. God I missed this. I could never get enough of kissing Alison. She surprised me by pulling away and taking by bottom lip with her, biting on it ever s lightly.

"God don't do that unless you literally want me to take your clothes off right here, right now." I breathed against her lips. She giggled hiding her face in my shoulder. I got up off of her and she followed. We stared at each other for a while not really knowing what to say.

"What happened to taking it slow?" She smiled showing her dimples.

"You could have said no, I gave you an opportunity but you said yes so don't act like it was all me."I laughed. I sat back on the couch and she laid down with her head on my lap. Immediately my hands were fidgeting with her hair.

"Taking it slow is almost impossible with you but obviously I don't want to go into dating right now. I suggest we just be like regular people before the date, go on dates, get to know each other, stuff like that then obviously we can take it from there." She smiled up at me. I like that idea because I needed to get to know her more. I wanted to get to know Molly more too.

"Ok. That's what we will do. Sooo I guess I should leave since staying over isn't on the list of what people do before they start dating eh?" I poked her in the side. She laughed but got up off of me. She took my hand and led me to the door. I was really liking the vibe we can going together, It felt like we were both on the same page about each other. It was nice.

"What time is your class at tomorrow?" I asked. I had swimming with the girls until 2:30.

"12 but I have a ton of marking so God knows when I'll be done." She said leaning against the door frame.

"Well I'll be at the pool until around 3 so stop by anytime." She just nodded in response.

"Good night Alison."I leaned up to give her a peck on the cheek I didn't want to push my chances too far tonight. I turned around and walked to my car. I opened the door and before I stepped in I turned around to looked at Alison and she had the biggest smile on her face, as did I.

God I need to change the song for my alarm. It was 9:00AM and once again All About That Bass was blaring through my iPhone speakers. The good thing about being a coach is that the earliest we ever have practice is at 11:00 now because our schedule changed so I don't have to get up ridiculously early like Alison. I got out of bed, took a shower, made some breakfast all in my own time. I hated being rushed in the mornings. It was the one thing I hated more than waking up early. I would rather wake up two hours before I had to leave and be able to take my time rather than wake up 30 minutes before and have to rush. I went to my room to get ready. It was overly hot today so I put on black shorts with a shirt tied in a knot at the bottom. I didn't want to be sweating all day so I threw my hair up in a bun, applied little make up and left my apartment.

Practice was dragging in. It felt live five hours when it's only been one. I love these girls but damn they can get annoying after a while.

"Ok you're all annoying me today, go run laps." I don't know why I was so annoyed things were great and the girls weren't doing anything unusual. I just get these days were I'm really irritable. I walked out and saw the girls running. I sat on the bench beside them and put my hands in my face.

"Is coach not in a good mood day?" I heard from behind me and I immediately smiled.

"No I'm in a pissy mood." I frowned not lifting my face yet.

"Would a large french vanilla help?" She sat down beside me. I look up and she had a cup of coffee in her hand.

"My class just ended so I went to grab a coffee and come see you before I starte marking." She leaned her head on my shoulder. I looked at the girls and they were still running laps. Ava caughte my eye and done a double take to see who I was with. When she saw it was Alison her jaw dropped and she started running towards us.Oh God.

"Wait you're dating Alison?!" She exclaimed.

"Wait she knows your first name?" I asked Ali a little shocked Ava just called her that.

"Yes it makes me sound old when they call me professor, and to answer your question Ava we aren't dating we used to though." Ava seemed to think this was the most interesting thing. She called the rest of the girls over and the sat at our feet. I felt like a fucking kinder-garden teacher reading the kids a story. The girls wanted to know everything so that's what they got. We told themhow we met and how we started dating, about meeting eachother's parents, about everything.

"This is like a real live movie. Y'all are so cute." She said with her Texan accent.

"Ok now that you all know my love life go get changed." I clapped my hands. I heard the girls mumble about how it was just because I wanted to be alone with Alison and they were damn right.

"I should go get marking." Alison sighed. Another thing good about being a coach you don't have to mark or asses anything.

"Ok text me when you're done and we can have dinner together or something." I said looking down at the ground. This shit was embarrassing. I didn't know my boundaries yet.

"I will." She said taking my chin in her fingers and making me look at her. "You're adorable." She said leaing into kiss my cheek. She tuned around and off she went leaving me feeling like a giddy school girl.

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