Chapter 5

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Alison's POV:

Things with James and I have been really good. He's been doing things around the house and getting more involved with Molly. Emily has text me a few times asking to be friends but in all honesty I can't. I can't be around her and not catch feelings. It's impossible. I also don't want her to get her hopes up. I've saw her around campus a few times but we don't stop and talk anymore. It's sad really, I was enjoying having her as a friend and if James hadn't of changed the way he acted, I wouldn't say we would be together but I would have at least kissed her already. It's Sunday and for the first time in months I'm going to catch up with Hanna. She was the only one I kept in touch with. I think Aria and Spencer stayed in touch with Emily. Hanna and I graduated at the same time so it was easier to stay in touch. After college she went into the fashion industry. I have no idea what she does everytime she tries to explain something to me I can never understand. I'm on my way to Starbucks alone because James offered to keep Molly. When I got to Starbucks I went in and oredered my usual and found a seat. A few minutes later Hanna came in. She ordered her drink then came to sit down across from me.

"Well long time no see stranger." She said taking a sip of her drink.

"I know it's been forever, how are you?" I asked.

"I'm pretty good I just got back from New York Fashion Week so that was insane but yea I'm really good, what about you?". Damn I knew she was a good designer but that was amazing.

"I'm really good things with James are picking up and Molly is really good. She misses you, but thats's amazing were your designs on the run way?"

"Aw I miss my little munchkin too and yea not a lot but I met a lot of high end designers and they all complemented my work so it was really great." She said with the biggest smile on her face. It was nice to see Hanna like this normally she's the funny and sarcastic one but it's nice to see her talk about something shes passionate about and see the twinkle in her eyes.

"That's great but you'll never guess who I ran into, Emily Fields." Hannah's jaw dropped once I said her name.

"I know right? It was my first day at UCLA and apparently hers too. She's the new swim coach for the first day she ran into me and helped me pick up my books and we only talked for legit a minute. Then I saw her running laps and may or may not have stopped to watch." I said with my cheeks turning red. Hanna let out a laugh and shook her head.

"She came over and we sort of flirted and she asked for my number so we could keep in touch so I gave her it. We texted back a forth and then I saw her at the park, I was with Molly and she was running around the lake and we talked. Crazy thing though, she lives at the apartment block at the end of my street so her girlfriend had seen us and apparently said to Emily that she can see there's still something between us and she wouldn't want to in the way of it. Emily brought me coffee the next day and told me how she felt and said she wanted me back and I would be lying if I didn't think about it but then James started doing things around the house so I told her I couldn't." I let a breath I didn't know I was holding in. Hanna just sat and looked at me with a smile.

"You're still in love with her Ali." She sad straight up.

"Don't try to tell me you're not because you had the biggest smile on your face the whole time you were talking about her. Why are you so afraid." I knew the answer to this question. It's the only thing that's stopping me.

"I don't want Molly to grow up with out a father the way I did. What if I get with Emily and things don't work out again. I don't want Molly to get to attached. I have a kid Hanna I have to think about it from her perspective too."

"I'm almost positive Molly would love Emily and if things don't work out you'll learn your lesson. You know how nice Emily is if you guys break up she wouldn't just leave Molly." I never thought of it that way. Emily would probably still want to take her out and buy her stuff.

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