Chapter 7

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Alison's POV:

I slept on the couch last night. James had offered to but I told him it was fine. I got a solid two hours sleep. I'm so nervous to tell Molly. I just want her to be happy, that is all I want. I could hear laughing and giggling coming from up stairs go I guessed that Molly was awake so I made my way up stairs. When I reached the top the noise was coming from James and I's room. I made my way over and stopped at the door. James was lying on his back with his legs up and Molly had her stomach on his feet. She was laughing and drooling all over James' face. I couldn't help the smile that came across my face they looked adorable.

"I think we have a visitor." James said as he put Molly down. She turned around to face the door and her face lit up when she say me.

"Mommy." She yelled running over to jump in my arms. I picked her up and spun her around which caused her to giggle.

"Were you having fun with daddy?" I asked going to sit on the bed. Molly just smiled and nodded. I looked at James to see if we should do it now and he nodded.

"Daddy and I have something to tell you. We aren't going to live together anymore. You'll stay with me and you can go sleep over at daddies whenever you want. Is that ok?" I asked. I held in a breath waiting for her answer. She looked indifferent. She didn't look happy or sad. Her facial expression was just sort of neutral.

"But why? don't you love each other?" She asked looking at both of us. It crushed my heart a little.

"No, Molly we don't. It's just the way life is sometimes but don't worry we will still be your mom and dad and we still love you very much, we just won't live together. It will be great, you will have two houses. How about that?" A smile appeared on her face.

"Does this mean I can be like cousin Maya and get two birthdays?" She asked excitedly. James and I laughed at her enthusiasm for two birthdays.

"If that's what you want baby then yes."

Emily's POV:

I've been waiting on a text from Ali all day but she hasn't text yet. It's making me nervous in case she did back out again. I need to put it to the back of my head for now because I'm on my way to meet up with Spencer and Aria. I haven't seem them since college. We text sometimes but that's about it. We decided to meet at Olive Garden for lunch. When I pull up I see them standing out side waiting for me. I park my car and make my way towards them.

"Have you guys been waiting long?" I asked taking them both into a hug.

"No we just got here." Aria smiled. We went in and got our table. Not long after a waiter came and took our orders. We talked about what we had been doing since college. Aria worked at an art gallery. She loved art. She was always painting or drawing something. Spencer became a lawyer. She has been lawyers from some celebrities, apparently she's one of the best in state.

"What about you what did you do when you graduated?" Spencer asked.

"I tried a few different jobs. I tried like a physical therapist, a regular therapist, a bar tender, a gym teacher basically everything and it just wasn't right. Then this summer UCLA needed a swim coach so I applied and I got it of course." I said with a wink. They just laughed and shook their heads. "So that's what I've been doing since September."

We talked a little more about different stuff. Aria was still with Ezra and Spencer was still with Toby. I missed the boys I have to say. I was surprised to find out they only live about a 20 minutes drive from my apartment. I'm glad because this time we might actually stay in contact.

"Have you guys heard from Ali and Hanna lately?" I asked. They knew Ali and I broke up but they didn't know anything else.

"No but I heard Hanna had a few designs on the runway at New York Fashion Week." Spencer said. That's really cool. I miss Hanna a lot actually. I never realized until I started to talk about her.

"Well I may or may not have run into Ali." I muttered. Spencer chocked on her drink and Aria's eyes widened.

"What?!." Spencer almost shouted.

"I said I may o-"

"I know what you said. I mean how? What happened?." Spencer cut me off.

I told them about how I ran into her, literally on my first day of work and how we kept seeing eachother around campus. I told them about the park and demi. They seemed to be taking it all in, they were nodding there heads at almost every word. I told them about the meet and how she kissed me and that got a few gasps.

"Oh and she has a kid and a boyfriend." If I had a camera I wold take a picture of their faces. They were priceless.

"You mean a little kid of her own like a daughter or son?" Aria asked confused at the whole thing.

"Yep a little girl her name's Molly." The topic of conversation changed after awhile and we started to collect out things and go.

"Well we need to keep in touch this time and I hope things with Alison work out." Aria said pulling me into a hug.

"Yea for sure I'll text you guys when I know anything." I smiled making my way to the car. I really enjoyed myself today. It was god catching up with them again. When I got in the car my phone went off letting me know I had a text. I took it out of my bag and Alison's name came up. My heart quickened as I opened the text.

Can you come over please.


My mind started racng. She said she would leave me alone if she backed out of talking to James so clearly she had talked to him. What if it's about Molly? What if he's going to walk out on her? My mind went to the worst situations so I decided to not think about it until I was at her house. She sent another text with her adress so I typed it into the GPS and made my way there.

I pulled up to a nice sized house. It was white with a little front yard and a garage. I could see Ali's car in the drive. I waited for a minute to let myself calm down. I was nervous for what she was going to say. I got out of my car and walked to her front door while giving myself a little pep talk in my head. I don't think I was this nervous taking the SAT for God's sake. I knocked on the door lightly praying to God for good news. Molly opened the door with the biggest smile on her face which threw me off a little.

"Hi cutie is your mommy in?" I asked bending down to her height.

"She told me to come get you." She giggled. She was the cutest little girl I had ever seen. She took my hand and led me in the door. Closing the door behind me I followed along with Molly down the long hallway. She led me in to which seemed to be a sitting area and there Alison was on the couch watching Border Security. We used to watch endless repeats of this show in college.

"Hey." I said letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Hi. I talked to him. He moved out this morning, he's going to get Molly most weekends or whenever she wants really but I'm officialy single now." She grinned. Butterflies erupted in my stomach knowing that I now had a chance with her.

"So what is happening between us then?" I asked sitting down beside her on the couch.

"Like you said we will take it slow, but for now shut up and lets see if there are drug in this suitcase."

**If anyone has read any good fanfics recently please comment me or message me (preferably girlxgirl and completed or updates regularly). If anyone wants some I have a few they're not emison but if you want them just ask**

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