Chapter 10

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Alison's POV:

Molly wouldn't shut up about Emily the whole way home. She was so excited to stay at her house and she called Emily her new best friend. It was refreshing having a change for her and myself. Both of us were excited about this new chapter in our lives. I was putting Molly to bed and she started asking questions again.

"Do you like Emily mommy,?" She asked climbing up to her bed.

"Yes very much so, do you?" I was sure I already knew the answer but I just wanted to make sure.

"Yes I do and I like seeing you happy with her." If my three year old daughter could tell that it must be pretty obvious. 

"I like being happy with her, goodnight love." And with that I went into my room and got into my own bed. 

Emily's POV: 

'All About That Bass' came blaring through my speaker again this morning waking me up from my sleep. I knew today I wouldn't get to see Alison which made getting out of bed that much harder. It was a Tuesday and our schedules just didn't match up.

When I reluctantly got out of bed I made myself breakfast, got a shower, got dressed and made my way to campus. I wanted to change up training a little, it was getting too boring for me which meant it was even more boring for the girls who were doing it. I decided to call into the mall and grab a bathing suit from the first store I could find. I was going to race each of the swimmers one by one today. I haven't swam competitively for almost three years so in reality some should be able to beat me. I met the girls in the changing room and they were all quite confused as to why because I usually meet them at the pool. 

"Well girls, training was getting a little boring so I decided to change things up, on my way here I brought a bathing suit and I'm going to race you all one by one." I said with a smile on my face. I heard a few grunts from the girls.

"Hey I haven't swam like this in a long ass time, at least one of you should be able to beat me. Now lets get changed."

Once we were all changed we made our way to the pool. I then realized that I was going to have to race six girls. I made a note in my head to race Ava first as she was the fastest and that's when I would be at my best.

"Ok Ava you're up first," I said with a smirk. She was one of the few up for a challenge. She jumped in and was ready before I could get in the pool.

As soon as the whistle went we both pushed of the edge of the pool and started swimming. It was extremely close but I still won, which was a little boost to my confidence. I continued to race all six of them and I won every race.

"Well would you look at that, guess I still got it," I said flipping my hair back. The girls laughed but they knew they would never hear the end of this.

We finished up practice and the girls started to leave. I decided to sit on the bleachers for a minute. Reminiscing on the past few years. It was crazy how everything had came full circle and now Ali was back in my life and I had finally got a job I truly enjoyed. Everything was finally looking up. I was interrupted from my thoughts with water being splashed in my face.

"What the fuc-," I stopped mid sentence when I saw Alison standing their.

"I thought I wasn't going to see you today," I said with the goofiest smile on my face.

"Well I rearranged a few things and here I am." She took a seat beside me and rested her head on my shoulder.

"You looked pretty deep in thought, are you okay?" She asked.

"I'm more than okay, I was just thinking about how crazy everything has been recently and how we're back in each others lives and I have a job that I genuinely enjoy. I don't know just realizing how thankful I am for everything," She lifted her head and I smiled at her.

"Well that's very cute. I'm thankful for the way things have worked out too."

"Oh and by the way Molly will not shut up about you. Emile this, Emily that. You have her wrapped around your little finger," She said. That made me happy. I'm glad she didn't have a problem with me.

"That's adorable. I know you were iffy about Molly and I at the beginning but you know you have nothing to worry about right?" I would treat Molly like she's my own if we were together.

"I know that now, you're really good with her." She smiled her infamous smile at me.

"So when will I get to see her next?" I asked pushing for an excuse to hang out with both of them again.

"How about tomorrow night. I'll cook you dinner instead."

"It sounds like a plan. But come on I've got to go."

We made our way out and walked together until it was Alison's exit for her class.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow night?" I asked reassuring that she didn't change her mind.

"Yes, of course." She replied standing on her toes and giving me a kiss on the cheek.

When she pulled away both of us had the biggest smiles on our faces and my stomach was going crazy with butterflies. We both went our separate ways, but all I could think about was how I wanted it to be tomorrow night so that I could see her again.

**Does anyone even read this anymore? I don't even have an excuse I forgot about this story for the most part tbh but I've kinda found my love for writing agin so hopefully it's a good sign. If a few things don't add up like Molly's age or the time frame after college please just ignore it. I'm not going to promise regular updates because I really don't know at this point but yea, for anyone still reading this enjoy:)**

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⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Dec 23, 2016 ⏰

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