Chapter 6

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Alison's POV:

I'm very aware that I'm kissing Emily right now. I'm very aware that I have boyfriend. I'm very aware that this shouldn't be happening but I don't care at the minute. I still get them same fucking fireworks in the pit of my stomach. This is just a little open mouths kiss and I could melt into a puddle right here. I was the first one to pull back but I rested my head against Emily's and heard her sigh.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that." I apologized.

"Yea you shouldn't have. You have a boyfriend and you can't keep fucking with my feelings you need to make up your mind and don't use Molly as your excuse because it's getting really old." She scoffed.

"I know I'm not going to but clearly I am with the wrong person. I want you Em. I want to be with you. I'll tell James tonight when I go home and I'll do whatever I can to make it up to you." Emily stayed silent for a minute. She locked the gymnasium and began walking towards her car. I didn't want to follow her but my car was that way and I wanted her answer. I felt like a fucking lost puppy trailing behind her. We walked in silence until we got to the parking lot. Surprisingly Emily made her way towards my car. Once she reached it she turned around and leaned against the door.

"Are you serious this time? Are you actually going to talk to James? because I can't go home and get another text saying you can't do it, I really can't take that Ali." She said looking into my eyes. Her eyes started watering but before any tears could fall I made my way over to stand directly in front of her. I stood on my tip toes and rapped my arms around her neck. She didn't respond straight away but eventually she did.

"I'm serious about this I really am and if I back out, which I wont by the way, I won't come back to you. I'll let you move on you deserve that." I felt bad for messing with her. Emily was the last person who deserved to be treated like that.

"Ok, I believe you. We can take this slow and I mean really slow. I don't want to rush into this again. I know I said I didn't want to bring Molly into it but it's going to be different for her to see you with someone else. We can start as friends." She pulled back and smiled. I smiled back at her. Anyone else would have left but not Emily. Once Emily wants something she goes after no matter what and that's one of my favorite things about her. I'm just lucky enough to be one of those thngs she wanted.

"Friends kiss goodbye right?" I asked with a smirk on my face. She threw her head back and laughed and in that moment I swear I have never felt such a sense of peace and happiness. It felt like I was home. Standing in a parking lot with her arms around my waist and mine around her neck I felt like I was home. 

"Sure go for it, it might be your last one for a while." She said leaning in. I met her half way and connected our lips. There it was again the fireworks in my stomach exploded. This was just an innocent open mouthed kiss and I already felt weak in the knees. I pulled back before I could get carried away. 

"Goodnight Em." 


On the way home I thought about what I was going to do. What would I even begin to say? How would I even bring it up? The more I thought about it the more nervous I got. I thought about Emily and I's kisses and I got butterflies again. Taking this risk with James is so worth it to be with her. Even if he doesn't come back to see Molly she has a lot of really good people around her. She has Emily, Hanna, my mom, my dad and Emily. I'm pretty sure we'll reconnect with Aria and Spencer so she will most likely have them as well. I was turning to drive up my street when I saw Emily getting out of her car. She had a box in her hand so I decides to honk the horn. As soon as I did she dropped the box and turned around to see who it was. I was in fits of laughter and when she saw me she just flipped me off before picking up the box and entering the building. When I pulled up to my house I checked my phone. I had a text from Emily 'You're an asshole'' was all it said. I laughed to myself and entered my house.

"Molly wants you but can you come back after we need to talk." I hab been giving Molly a bath when she asked for James. It was a little strange she never did but I didn't think much of it. I made my way to the couch to wait for James to come back.

"I guess you know where this is going but just hear me out." I said when he had returned. He just nodded allowing me to finish. "Ok so it's obvious that we both aren't happy in this relationship. We wouldn't be together if Molly wasn't here. I ran into Emily a few weeks ago she coaches at UCLA and we've talked a few times, we text back and forth. I was in love with her and to be honest I still am. I don't want to put you through an even worse relationship that this already is but please don't just leave Molly." I said tearing up. I was so scared that he would just leave her.

"Yea it's obvious we both aren't happy and we wouldn't be together if Molly wasn't here. I saw Emily's texts on your phone that's why I tried to make a change and help around the house but I guess it didn't work" He laughed awkwardly."As for Molly I would never leave her but I'll go pack my stuff and we can explain  to her tomorrow." And that was it. Up the stairs he went leaving me alone with my thoughts and all I thought about was Emily.

**So this chapter is pretty short so I apologize about that. I was going to have James fight her for custody but I don't really know enough about that (yet) but I have a few ideas for further on in the story. I'm getting a lot of compliments on my writing and I just want to ask has my writing improved from the last story? I feel like it had but I just want to ask. I appreciate all the votes comments y'all are really sweet. Also if you feel like I could improve on something I'm open for constructive criticism so just message me or comment if you have anything.**

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