Chapter 9

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Alison's POV:

I had finally finish grading my papers and was on my way to get Molly. I forgot about Molly when Emily asked me over for dinner so I text her to make sure it was ok if I brought Molly but she said it was fine. I was a little nervous, it'll be the first time Molly has spent a good amount of time with Emily. I pulled up outside my parents' house and went to knock on the door. When I did my mom answered and pulled me into a hug.

"Molly's in the living room with your dad, I didn't give her any dinner because I didn't know if you had plans or not." She said walking into the livng room. Molly jumped into my arms the minute she saw me.

"That's fine I'm going to have dinner at Emily's tonight." My parents knew I broke up with James but they didn't know that Emily was around again.

"Emily, you mean Emily Fields?" My dad asked with a smile on my face.

"Yes the beloved Emily Fields." I laughed. They both seemes so happy that I was talking to Emily again.

I stayed and talked for a few minutes and then headed on my way to Emily's. I hope this was nothing fancy because I was dressed in a pair of leggings and a baseball t-shirt.

"Why are we going to Emily's?" Molly asked from the back.

"Because she invited us over, is that ok?" I hoped that Molly liked Emily. As much as she was my priority I would still continue to stay in contact with her even if Molly didn't like her but it wouldbe a lot easier if she did.

"Yes Emily is really pretty she looks like princess Jasmine." She smiled at me in the mirror. I just smiled back at her and continued driving to Emily's place.

When we got to our street I decided to leave my car at the house and just walk down to Emily's instead. We made our way down the side walk until we made it to the apartment block. I had to push the little button so that Emily could let me in but I had no idea which one was hers. I felt like an idiot texting her but when she replied that she completely forgot about it I didn't feel so bad. We made our way inside after she had buzzed us is. It was a ice place. The lobby had black shiny floors with white and red accesories. Emily was on the fifth floor and I cursed under my breath when I realized I would have to take the elevator. I hated these things. I got stuck in one when I was younger with my mom and we are both clostrophobic so it didn't go down well. The dreaded ding came and the doors opened. Molly jumped in still excited to see Emily. The doors closed and we started moving.

"I'm so excited to see Emily." Molly jumped up and down.

"Oh my god please don't do that sweetie." I held onto her shoulders to steady her. She looked at me confused.

"Mommy are you ascared of elevators." She laughed. I can't believe she's laughing at me. Luckily enough the ding that I wanted to hear this time came and we made our way to Emily's door. We rapped on the door and I could hear footsteps coming to open the door. My heart beat got faster and faster, I had no idea why because it's not as if I haven't done this before.

"Hi." I brought my eyes up to meet hers and she gave me a huge smile.

"Hi Emily." Molly said a little too excited.

"Hey beautiful, you want to come in?" She asked crouching down to her level. Molly blushed at her comment but nodded anyway. Emily stepped to the side and Molly ran on in.

"Hello gorgeous." She smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Taking it slow remember." I said even thoguh I was blushing like a little girl. I stepped in to Emily's apartment and took my jacket off to hang it up.

"I can't complement ypur daughter and not you." She smiled.

We made spagehtti bolaneige for dinner. It was really good clearly Em has brushed up on her cooking skills. Throughout dinner Molly and Emily asked each other questions, getting to know each other. It made me smile they really seemed to like each other.

"So you're fifteen?" Emily asked teasing Molly.

"No silly I'm almost three." She laughed.

"Ohhh silly me."

The rest of the night went similar to that. We moved to the couch and of course Molly controlled what ever went on the T.V. Emily and I didn't mind we spent the time catching up. Talking about what happened after college and what jobs we had. She sat on one side of the couch and I sat on the other with a glass of wine talking like nothing had ever happened.

"I don't bite you know." She said smiling. I looked to Molly and she was too interested in Frozen to even noticed so against my better judgement I crawled over to her and cuddled into her side. She wrapped her arm around my shoulders and brought me closer to kiss my head. We continued talking about anything and everthing untill it was time for Molly to go to bed.

"Molly go get you coat on we need to go now." I said. She turned around giving us her best puppy eyes and pout which caused me and Emily to laugh.

"Now baby come on it's already past your bed time." She stomped off as loud as her little feet would let her to go get her coat.

"She's adorable." Emily gushed. I stood up and stretched getting ready to leave.

"Yea she can be when she wants to be isn't that right?" I said to Molly. She came over to get her coat buttoned up because she couldn't do it herself yet. She didn't answer. She was still mad about having to leave. I went to get my own jacket when I finished Molly and I heard Emily following behind me with Molly.

"I promise we can have a sleep over some time if that's ok with your mom." Emily said crouching down to her size again. Molly looked up and me and I just nodded. She squeled and wrapped her arms around Emily in a hug.

"I'll see you again beautiful yea?" Emily said standing up. Molly just nodded and smiled and made her way out the door.

"Go wait at the elevator please." Away she went running down the hall.

"Thank you for tonight I had fun and obviosuly Molly did too, shes never going to shut up about you now." I smiled.

"Good and anytime you can come around whenever or if you ever need a babysitter I'm your girl."

"I don't know if I trust you with yourself never mind a kid." I laughed at her shocked expression.

"Fuck you I'm good with kids but you better go before Molly gets bored and wonders off."

"Yea good night Emily." I leaned into kiss her on the lips. I couldn't help myself.

"Good night Alison."

** Sorry for taking so long to update I've been binge watching Orphan Black. If you haven't watched it yet I highly recommend. Anyway comment, vote and all that boring stuff please.**

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