Chapter 2

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Emily's POV:

It's been a little over a week since I bumped into Alison. I haven't seen her around campus since. I haven't told Demi either, I mean we literally talked for a whole of two minutes I don't think it's necessary. Demi knows about Alison. Demi started off as by best friend and when I met her I was still getting over Alison so she was helping me and eventually we developed feelings. I always think about my feelings for Demi. She's really sweet and nice and a great girlfriend and all that but sometimes I just don't get the cliche spark people talk about when I kiss her. If I'm being honest the only person I've ever got that with is Alison. Up until the very last time I kissed her I always got fireworks. I was so in love with her and with Demi I think I just love her, I love her as a person but I'm not in love with her and it's taken me a while to figure out the difference.

It's Wednesday and I'm getting ready to head to the pool. We have practice at 12:00 today. The girls and I have bonded really well. They're genuinely nice girls. Most of them have a crush on me, I don't think I have ever left practice without one of them asking for my number or grabbing my ass. I don't mind, they're all legal it's when they're not it becomes a problem. I put on a sports bra, spandex shorts and a muscle tank for today. It is way too hot in L.A for fall time. For breakfast I made bacon, eggs and toast. Not very healthy but whatever it's not me swimming anymore I don't have to watch my every meal. I grabbed a bottle of water and sunglasses before heading for the door. When I made it to campus I saw Alison sitting on the bench with the cutest little girl I have ever seen.Is that her daughter?. couldn't be hers. I parked in a parking space pretty close to where she was sitting. I got out of the car without her noticing me. I took my gym back from the back and walked on by her. I wanted to ask her but I didn't have the right. It's none of my business.

"You dropped this." I heard the sweetest voice call after me. I turned around and the little girl had a shirt that must have fell out of my gym bag.

"Thank you sweetie."I bent down taking it off her.

"Aren't you just the prettiest little girl." I said standing back up and looked over at Alison to realize she was looking at us.

"Thank you.. but I fink you're the prettiest and my mom's pretty too." Fuck it was Alison's daughter.

"Yea I know your mom. She's very pretty." By this point Alison was standing behind the girl with a blush on her cheeks.

"Emily this is my daughter Molly, Molly this is my um.. f-friend Emily." I liked her calling me her friend. It was nice.

"It's great to meet you Molly but I have to get to the pool. I'll see you again yea?" I asked sort of hoping to see her and Alison again. The girl just nodded and gave me a hug.

"You'll have to explain this one Dilaurentis, I'll see you around."

Alison's POV:

Today I didn't have class until 12:00 so I had Molly until then. My mom would come and pick her up from campus and take care of her until James would collect her. We had got a little routine going on. It was fine I guess. As long as Molly is happy that's all that matters. I was waiting on a bench with Molly waiting for my mom to come pick her up. My family moved to L.A the year I finished college. They came out for my graduation and two weeks later they had a house out here. My mom, my dad and I sorted things out. When I was pregnant with Molly and I realized the help I would need, I asked them if we could talk. They apologized for being bad parents and said that they would help in what ever way they can with Molly. I'm so grateful for them because without them I wouldn't have been able to be a teacher and I would have to find a job that works around James' hours. Molly was sitting on my lap when I saw the familiar car pull up. Not the one I was hoping for but one I was glad to see. It was Emily's. She still had the same car. There were at least 15 other parking spaces but she parked in front of the bench I was at. I decided to take out my phone and pretend like I didn't see her. I watched her get out of the car and get her gym bag. She looked good. She still had those long, toned legs. She walked past me but she dropped a shirt from her bag. I told Molly to go pick it up and give it to her. I watched Emily turn around and kneel down to her. I started to make my way over. I caught the end of their conversation which was oddly about how pretty I was.

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