Chapter 3

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Alison's POV:

Emily and I have been texting back and forth for a few weeks now. It's nothing serious we literally talk about the silliest things. Just last night we had an argument about if chicken tenders or chicken nuggets were nicer. Clearly it's chicken nuggets but Emily disagrees. I haven't told James about it because why should I? He doesn't tell me anything about his friends or his life so I won't tell him either. I'm trying to stay with him for Molly's sake but it's becoming harder and harder each day. It's Sunday and Molly said she wanted to go to the park. James couldn't come because he had to grade some papers. I didn't buy it but I didn't want to start a fight so I left it. The park was at the end of our street. We lived in a pretty decent neighbor hood, it's nothing like the one I grew up in but it's nice. Molly and I walked down the street hand in hand. When we got to the park I sat on the bench and let Molly go and play. The park was beautiful. It had a lake surrounded by trees and a play area for kids. A lot of people hang around here it's always packed. People come here to run because there's a track around the lake and it's nice to run by the water.

"Mommy, your friend is over there." Molly came running over to me with a smile on her face. I looked around to see if I could find someone but I had no idea who she was talking about.

"Which one baby?" I asked.

"The one we met at school, Emily she's over there." She pointed in her direction and there she was leaning against a tree stretching her legs. She wore a white sports bra and black shorts. She looked good with her hair in a messy bun and sweat glistening on her body. I picked Molly up and made my over to her.

"Excuse me ma'am I'm going to have to ask you to put some clothes." I mocked and old ladies voice when we were behind her. Molly laughed at my failed attempt to disguise myself. Emily turned around with a confused look but laughed when she realized it was me.

"Oh how times have changed now you want me with my clothes on." She smirked.

"You're a lot more blunt than I remember." I laughed at her. Molly was starting to get heavy so I put her down.

"Hi Molly, you look very pretty today." She took Molly's hand and made her do a twirl. Molly let go a hung onto my leg burying her face.

"Awww is someone pretending to be shy." She asked making her way towards her. Molly didn't move or say a word until Emily started tickling her.

"Ok stop pweasee, mommy make her stop." I laughed at them both.

"Emily get off my daughter, I know you're excited to have someone with the same mentality as you but let the poor kid breathe." Molly had tears streaming down her face by this point. Emily soon let go once she realized what I said.

"Did you just call me dumb." She asked over dramatically.

"No but Molly go play we have to go to grandma's soon." Molly ran off to play with some other little girl. Emily and I made our way over to the bench I was first at. I watched Emily open her gym bag and take a shirt out of her bag and slip it over her head.

"Anyway what has you here?." She asked which was pretty ironic I was the one with the kid at the play ground.

"I have a kid I should be asking you why you're here half naked might I add in front of all these people." I teased. "But I live up that street and Molly wanted to come to the park so here we are."

"Shut up smart ass. I live in that apartment block." She said pointing to an apartment block and the end of my street. "And my girlfriend told me it was a nice run around the lake."

"Nice to see your gay is still showing." I mimicked her words. We both fell into a comfortable silence. I looked over to see Molly playing with a little girl and it seemed Emily was watching her too.

"Are you sure that little girl is not mine, I mean we look almost identical." She asked me. I thought she was joking but when I turned to look at her the look on her face told me otherwise.

"Emily we are both girls that is physically impossible and she looks a little like you because James has tan skin and dark hair." The only physical thing Molly got from me was her blue eyes.

"Nice to know you even go for guys that resemble me." She laughed at me with a smirk on her face.

"Shut up, you're really big headed you know that right?" I punched her in the shoulder.

"Yep." She said popping the p.

Emily's POV:

I swear I don't know how me and Alison avoided each other for two years. Everywhere I go she's there. I even moved in to an apartment block at the end of her street. It's nice, I like talking to her. Even if we hadn't dated we probably would have been best friends in college. Alison called Molly and told her it was time to go home. Unlike most kids Molly just said ok and started to walk towards the exit. She's a really nice kid and I can tell Alison is a great mom. Alison, Molly and I started to make our way towards my apartment building.

"Well it was great seeing you again, you just can't stay away can you?" I joked stopping out side the building.

"You're so annoying, why did I ever date you." She teased back.

"Anyway I should go and shower it seems like every time you see me I smell so do we go for a hug, handshake or just an awkward walk away." I asked not really sure what to do.

"Give me a hug you goof." She laughed wrapping her arms around me. My body immediately relaxed in her arms. It felt comfortable and safe. Once we pulled away we said our goodbyes. Alison was a few feet in front of me when I opened the door.

"Oh and Alison." I called out making her turn around. "Chicken tenders are nicer." Before she could say anything I ran inside and shut the door. I leaned back on the door smiling. When I stopped acting like a little school girl I made my way up to Demi. I opened the door to see Demi standing on the balcony.

"Hi babe." I said going to stand beside.

"I seen you with Alison." She said bluntly. Fuck.

"Nothing happened I ran into her my first day at work she's a professor and since then I've saw her twice, I promise no-" I was interrupted with Demi's laughing.

"Em you don't have to explain yourself. I get it you loved her. I'm not going to keep you away from her, I guess that was her daughter but I saw you two. I watched the whole time and I've never seen two people look at each other like that. I don't want you to be half in this relationship because it's only going to take time for her to realize she still loves you and I'm not going to stand in the way of that." She said honestly. I honestly felt like crying. Demi is such a great person.

"Look you made me cry now. Thank you. I love you I really do but you know how much I was in love with her. You're really an amazing person and you're going to make some girl extremely happy one day." I said wrapping my arms around her. She didn't seem fazed at all. I feel like she always knew I was never really over Alison. It's good that Demi and I don't live together she was going to move in a few weeks ago but we decided to wait. Demi left me to go pack whatever stuff she had here. She stayed over sometimes so she had underwear, sweats and stuff like that here.

"Well here I go. Look after yourself Fields and go get your girl." She smiled at me.

"We're still friends right?." I asked because she genuinely was my best friend.

"Now loosing you as a girlfriend is one thing but loosing you as a best friend is a complete no." She laughed bringing me into her embrace for another hug.

"Ok I'll see you soon." I said opening the door and closing it behind her.

Time to get my girl.

So Emily and Demi broke up, do y'all think Alison will get feelings again or not? Finals start this week but I have enough chapters to last so don't worry I won't be taking a break. Comment or message me if you have any suggestions on what you want to see in this story. Follow me on social media because we're friends right??

Twitter: shaysddI (capital i)

Instagram: Caitriona_x

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