(chapter one [then])

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[Possible Triggers throughout this story!!! please do not continue if any of the following topics are sensitive to you;  Suicide, Self Harm, or Depression. ~Rosemary]

The hospital smelled of hospital. The sickeningly sweet bite of ammonia made you wonder what kind of smells it was masking. As I looked around the crowded waiting room, I couldn't help but wonder why the other people were there.  A young woman who only looked to be a few years older than me sat holding an infant, its face red, and mouth open as if it wanted to scream, but couldn't. Another older woman sat next to her, presumably her mother, and had an acrimonious sneer on her face, as if she was judging everyone presented before her.  I hate that kind of person.  What makes you think you're better than everyone else? People won't want to associate themselves with you  if you just pick apart every little thing that's "wrong with them."  That's a strange concept, isn't it? That people have things that are "wrong" with them? If nobody is perfect, then how can someone have "imperfections?" It's an outrageous idea if you really think about it.

"L/n Y/n?"

A tall pale woman stood at the doorway, holding a clipboard covered in unorganized medical charts. 

"Yes? that's me,"

"Could you follow me please?"

"Of course" 

The woman swiftly turned around and walked down the long hall, not even waiting for me to stand up. I fumbled myself awkwardly out of the seat, and hurried to catch up with her. The woman's heels clicked with each step she took, I presumed she was the doctor caring for Akata. Akata Kamido and I have been dating since the 8th grade, he was the light of my life. Last year, for my birthday he spent all day trying to make the perfect Narutomaki fish cake, but it didn't work out very well. instead of the perfect pink and white swirls, it seemed to form a haphazardly shaped circle. he apologized profusely for the looks but we ate them anyway, happy and proud. he was always so happy. Until this morning, his mother found him in his bedroom, unconscious, next to an empty bottle of medication.

"L/n, I'm afraid Akata isn't going to make it. Would you like to stay with him for his final moments?"

"What?" She must be joking. It was just an accident,  what had happened that morning. He didn't mean to end his life, I know that. He just wanted a change of pace, he always talked about wanting to experience everything, and staying overnight at a hospital was one of them. There is no way he meant to-

"He's not going to pull through. The medication is causing his liver to fail, and his parents have decided to let him go. I'm sorry L/n."

I felt a lump in my throat rise, filling me with a sense of dread. Tears stabbed at the back of my eyes as I processed what she had said. I swallowed hard, preparing myself to speak.

"Y-yes... please." 

She continued walking down the hall, stopping outside a door. The door was just barely cracked, and I could only catch a slight glimpse of what was on the other side. Akata's parents were sitting next to a bed, his mother holding a tissue, weeping. The woman stepped aside, and I nodded a quick thank you.

"Y-y/n, I... Im so sorry," said Misses Kamido. Her eyes looked bloodshot, she must've been crying for hours. She stood up unsteadily and walked towards me with her arms outstretched. I accepted her offer and hugged her tightly. 

"I understand, but may I have some time alone with him?"

"of course, of course." she turned and looked at her husband, and he nodded with a solemn look on his face. The two of them walked out without a second word. I walked over to the bed Akata was lying in. He looked so peaceful, lying there, even though his organs were breaking him apart from the inside. Tubes ran into his arm and nose, possibly being the only thing keeping him breathing at the moment.  I knelt on the floor next to the gourney, and took his hand in mine.

"I love you," As I whispered those three words, all of the emotions I had been holding back burst through.  My vision blurred from the tears streaming from my face as I hugged his arm tighter. Suddenly, a high, electronic beep escaped from the monitor next to Akata, and panic flooded throughout my body. 

No, this cant be,

Not now.


The beeping became stronger, more pronounced, as if summoned by the sound, the doctor and two nurses crashed through the door. I looked at her franticaly, and all I could see in her eyes was dread. My stomach dropped as the beeping became one, singular note, signaling what we all knew was to come.

"NO!" I half screamed, half sobbed into Akatas hand, I hugged him as hard as could. One of the nurses grabbed my  shoulders and dragged me away. I was pulled into the hall, with Akata's parents, and they just looked deafeted. His mother handed me a single folded piece of paper,

"He wanted you to have this,"

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