(chapter five)

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{TW!! smoking }

Kenma's POV

Jesus Christ. This girl is so precious, and she doesn't even know it. She made my stomach twist up in ways it never has before, I mean- I've been in love before, well- maybe not love, but relationships. Is it too early to say I'm in love with her? Maybe not love, but I'm certain that something was going to happen between us, whether it's me or her who starts it. I just don't know how she feels. Love is strange. It pulls you up out of nowhere, and smashes you atop the head with feelings that you've never experienced. 

Earlier that day we spent the entirety of the second period behind the gym, just at the edge of the courtyard. The trees were just starting to turn from green to beautiful shades of orange and red, creating scattered patterns of light on the grass. The autumn air had an almost bitter scent to it, once you stepped outside, it was just cold enough to cause your breath to come out in visible puffs. 

Y/n and I sat, with our backs against the wall. The smell of her was even stronger now. Strawberries, with a small bite of peppermint. I pulled out a pack of cigarettes and held out the box to her. She took one without hesitation, dug into her bag, and grabbed a pink lighter.

"Here, let me," I said as I took the lighter from her. It was neon pink, and had a crudely etched heart carved into its side. I took the cigarette she held and turned to face her. I placed it inbetween her lips, slowly bringing the lighter up to the end of the cigarette, and lighting it. Y/n slowly inhaled, her breath noticeably shaky. Her eyes looked like that of a puppies, like she wanted something more but was holding herself back. She breathed out, sending a cloud of smoke from her lips. They looked soft, the reminance of whatever chapstick she had put on this morning creating a slight shean of pink. 

"There you go. Now, I don't have enough butts for the two of us, so we'll just have to share." That was a bold faced lie, but Y/n didn't need to know that. I had enough for at least the next two days. I'm not sure why I said it, maybe something in the back my subconscience just wanted an excuse to get closer to her. But that's something we can unpack later.

"O-oh, okay," Her face was slowly turning red,  and she turned her face to hide it. She wasn't doing a very good job. 

"So, about what you saw," She motioned to her arm, and then looked at me.

"You won't tell anyone, right?" There they where, those puppy dog eyes, staring right back at me. She was absolutely stunning. This girl doesn't even know how entrancing she is. God, how I wanted to make her feel like she was the only one in the world. I wanted- no, I needed, her to know how special she was.

"Kenma?" I still don't know how long I was staring at her for, but it was long enough for her to be worried.

"O-oh! yeah, sorry, I... Ofcourse I won't tell anyone Y/n, I would only do something like that if it was absolutely necessary, okay?" She looked at me, then took a long drag of the cigarette, and exhaled in a sighing manner.

"Yeah, sure."

Why does she block people out?

What does she have to hide?

A confluence of thoughts joined in my head, all about her. She passed me the cigarette, and I inhaled a lungfull of the nicotine infested smoke. The end of the filter had a pink smudge where Y/n's chapstick had rubbed off. I licked my lips.

They tasted of Cherries.


AAAAAA!! sorry for such a short chapter!! I haven't had a lot of free time recently, and I've been trying my best to update. 

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Lots Of Love


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