chapter 11 ∞ heavyweight

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I can feel this unusual smirk lacing around my lips, probably expressed all over my face. I felt so incredibly powerful being able to make Jackson stutter for a second. A hand wraps onto the circumference of my wrist and pulls slightly backward from the table. 

"I think you should stop," Noah whispers into my ear just before Jackson slaps his fist down onto the ping pong table, causing a couple of drinks to topple over and spill.

"Say it again." He demands, gritting his teeth.

Noah's hand holds me tighter, urging me to stop, "You do not want to see him mad. That's enough—"

"Is your boyfriend gonna say it for you?"

I glance over at Jackson who seems ambivalent. A mixture of calm, anger, and annoyance is written all over his forehead.

Yanking my hand out of Noah's grip, I'm left with the subtle feeling of that warmth around my skin. It's manageable as I ignore it and walk around towards Jackson on the other side. I shove my face right in front of his and cock my head to smile. He looks almost shocked by my actions and I can literally feel people's eyes drilling a hole through my skull.

"I'm sure you heard what I said, Jack." I say in a gentle tone, trying to prick that last nerve before his real side jumps out.

And I think it did the trick. It did just that.

He kind of twitches when the words leave my mouth. Like he was unsure of how to respond or how to give a reaction. Maybe he's just not used to people talking back to him or not used to not getting what he wants. But I highly doubt that. Especially with his temper, it's easily to lash out at him.

"You want me to make you shut up? Fine." His usual aura is back again. And back again a little too quick. I'm assuming he's gone through this before, he just lacks that reaction time. The words sound a little too good coming from him. Or the alcohol might just be getting to me.

He reaches out to grab me but I back away just in time.

I laugh, "I love how much I can affect you without even trying." 

I grab a cup of beer that was still standing after the collision, "You need to get a hold of yourself. It's sad." I pretend to pout, then take large sips from the cup to quench my thirst.

"OooOOooOOOo!" A couple people make owl noises as they spectate the fun little argument we were having. I wave over at them and finish my cup, raising it to the sky and chucking it at Jackson's forehead. It makes a slight bonk noise before hitting the ground which makes me laugh, "I'm not drunk enough to deal with you right now."

A familiar hand grabs my arm and pulls be back. I squint to see Noah shaking his head and repeatedly telling me to stay quiet, stay put, don't say anything else—

"Don't touch her. She's not your problem."

Jackson takes Noah's hand off of me and stares at him. Noah stands there quietly, looking between me and him. 

"Do you own her?" He boldly states and looks over at me again, "I'll take you back to your friends." He reaches out to my waist, but Jack pushes him out of the way and takes my hand instead. Wrapping it around his own, his eyes stare directly at Noah, "Zarius, this would be a nice conversation if I had the energy to care enough. Fuck off."

I try to take my hand out of his abnormally warm one but I fail every time. He just grips harder and harder until I feel like my fingers would snap, "Ow! Dude, leave him alone, he didn't do shit—"

Tyler or Noah don't even try to stop him when he practically hauls me out of the backyard, around the house, and right by this secluded area of another empty yard. Must be another subdivision of Tyler's mansion. There's a spot of grass, a couple chairs, but no people.

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