chapter 28 ∞ a little too good

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We stay laying in the grass for a while as I feel myself slowly falling asleep to his voice speak about the stars dotting the sky. I'm still laying on his bicep and it acts as the perfect cushion, better than the ones I have at home on my bed.

"Up there, that one's always in the sky, no matter where you go."

My eyelids are heavy.


Gosh I'm hearing voices.


I jerk myself awake and I hear a chuckle from next to me. Jackson smiles, "Relax. It's 10:30."

He whispers once I go silent.

"Hey," I hear him say quietly as I try to get my eyes open from how tired I am. I hum as an answer and he merely laughs again.

"Let's get you home," he tries to help me sit alongside him, "can't have you falling asleep in an empty field."

"I'm wide awake," I grumble and get up quickly to stretch my body as he copies my movements.

"Thought I heard you snore just a couple seconds ago."

I scowl and stand up, crossing my arms, "I don't snore."

He raises his eyebrows, "You sure? Cause my hearings off the charts."

He towers over me and places his hands momentarily on his hips, then coming closer to tuck my hair behind my ears.

Did I snore?

He wipes the side of my mouth with his thumb, "Think you have some drool right here—"

Slapping his arm down I start walking back into the forest as he jogs to catch up, laughing alongside me in response to my reaction, "Slow your ass down."

"Curfew's 11. Remember your dick is on the line."

"My what?"


I stop walking and also pause before I say the next word again after I see that smirk plastered on his face. He looks at me clueless, playing dumb as he widens his eyes, "That what you want?"

"You're awfully direct."

"Oh you know that better than I do, I'm sure."

Jackson's driving us home and I find myself running through the entire day in my head again. Everything went by so nicely. And yet I can't get myself to admit this boy has changed my mind.

His hand grips my thigh harder for a split second and I turn to face him as he drives.

"You alright?"

"Yeah. I'm good, I'm great. Why?"

He smiles that crooked smile and shakes his head, "Just checking, you can calm down."

"I am calm."

"Relax your leg," he squeezes the inside of my thigh again as I realize how tense my muscle has become from his touch. I release the tension.

"There you go. Nice job."

He pats my leg and continues driving as I force myself to look away when I catch myself smiling. What did I get myself into?

This boy makes me feel so secure. Yet my internal emotions feel nothing more than unstable and feeble. I hate to say it but it leaves a different feeling than most other boys. I haven't felt that incredibly weird sense of uncomfortableness around him. I feel like I've repeated that phase to myself a million times, but it truly means something. I think.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2022 ⏰

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