Chapter 6

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Second lesson of first day back

Harry- I walk into potions when I feel someone grab my hand and bring me down sitting me in a seat. I look to see who it is seeing Malfoy "I guess he told you straight away then?"

Draco- I snort "of course he did after all me, the others and Snape are the true dark lord spy"

Harry- "so that's why Snape is within the order then"

Draco- "yeah so he can get the juicy details on what Dumbledore is doing"

Harry- "good because I truly thought he was on the light until I saw his mark one day which turns out to be just a tattoo because he was friends with your father and others"

Draco- "yeah your parents had the same tattoo"

Harry- "but I thought my father and Snape hated each other that's why Snape hates me, isn't it?"

Draco- I shake my head "no my Godfather is acting it wasn't until after Hogwarts that they say there sorry's to each other and became great friends, also turns out your mother isn't a muggleborn by the way she is a halfblood, meaning you a a pureblood naturally even if one parents isn't fully pureblood, but half is enough"

Harry- my eyes widen "really?" I got a nod "well never expected that"

Draco- "yeah turns out your mother is adopted, her real mother was a Weasley and were as her father is a Muggleborn by the last name Evan's, turn out both of them died and Lily went to her next family, her father's sister which welcomed her in open arms because the sister was too a muggleborn and the husband a halfblood"

Harry- "what about my aunt then because she is muggle"

Draco- "the it is more luckily her son or daughter will be born with magic either born or later on in life sometimes people who are called squibs at birth get magic later on in life, it's like it isn't fully devolved within the body, it's like us human can have learning disorder and other things, that what this is a disorder that affects the person from getting the magic until there like fifteen to twenty years old, merlin knows why it happens but unfortunately it does"

Harry- "it must of be my cousin then who definitely got hold of my want and surprisingly was capable of protecting himself that day from the Dementors"

Draco- "it would explain it from what I have heard"

Harry- I humm "interesting, so I won't be surprised if I see my cousin here anytime soon"

Draco- "unfortunately he will have to start with the first years poor thing"

Harry- I snort "serves him right but I will hate for what will come to him"

Draco- I raide my eyebrow "what do you mean?"

Harry- "if he starts showing magic he too with be abused and neglected by his own parents"

-shit I have been horrible to an abused and neglected person, how could I, I should of see the signs after all my uncle made sure I look put for them especially within my house, so we can get them away from families because it's more likely abuse or neglected children end up in Slytherin, even though not all are abused and neglected for example I wasn't and I am in Slytherin but it's a more likely place for them to go, I should apologise to him, I am such a horrible person how could I do this- Draco

I look to him seeing him open his mouth before I say "you don't have to apologise you know?" I see the surprise look on his face "I could tell by your face what you were thinking, you don't have to I have forgiven you a long time ago plus the whole rivalry was kind of fun at time except for when it was annoying because I wasn't in the mood for it, also you were right that day when I was supposed to shake your hand" I look over to were Hermione and Ron are paired up and shout whispering at each other "I did chose the wrong sort"

Draco- "well good thing there are thing called second chances then, from the beginning"

Harry- I put my hand out "Hello I am Harry James Potter, want to be friends"

Draco- I shake his hand "I am Draco Lucius Malfoy, and yes I do want to be friends"

Harry- I smile "good, now we better start doing the potion before Professor Snape comes over"

Draco- "Agree" I say getting up to get everything we need while Potter gets everything sorted at our desk



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