Chpt. 1

390 2 0

Audrey's POV

"Watch out," I warn as we dodge an explosion. Obi-wan, Anakin, and I were flying through the battle above Coruscant and we had an important mission. To rescue the Chancellor. I could see flashes of blue, green, and red laser bolts here and there.

"Lock onto him, R2," says  Anakin, "Master, General Grievous's ship is directly ahead. The one crawling with vulture droids."

"Oh, I see it. Oh, this is going to be easy."I could hear the sarcasm in Obi-wan's voice and rolled my eyes.

I glance at the ship and see the vulture droids start to transform into flight mode and fly off the ship.

"Odd Ball, do you copy?" I hear Obi-wan ask.

"Copy, red leader." Was the response.

"Mark my position and  form your squad up behind me." He orders.

"We're on your tail, General Kenobi."

I see the squadron form behind us and the vulture droids to get closer, "This is where the fun begins." I say, smiling.

"Let them pass between us," Obi-wan orders us.

"They're all over me!" I hear the voice of a panicked clone, "Th-" His voice went off.

"I'm gonna go help him out," I say determinedly.

"What!?" Obi-wan exclaims, "No no. They are doing their job and we can do ours."

I grit my teeth in annoyance and see the vulture droid shoot missiles at us, "Missles. Pull up." I order in alarm.

"They overshot us." Says Obi-wan.

"They're coming around!" Anakin warns.

"All right, R4. No no, nothing too fancy." I hear Obi-wan mutter.

I watch the radar as the missiles get closer and R3 beeps with excitement, "R2 wants to see our tricks?" I ask, amused, "Let's show him, R3." My droid beeps happily and I steer the ship clear of some debris, "R3, let's show R2 our classic."

R3 beeps in agreement. I fly full speed towards the nearest enemy battleship in a blur barely pulling up in time. I spiral back where Anakin was still getting tailed by missiles and watch as the battleship's control room starts to explode.

"Not bad." Says Anakin in surprise as the battleship crashes into another battleship, unable to steer. "Now it's my turn.

He tells R2 to surge all power units and to stand by the reverse thrusters. His starfighter starts to spin in tight circles and the missiles collide behind him.

"Not bad." I concede, "But mine was still better." I could almost see the eye roll Anakin was doing.

"Now if you two are done competing-" I hear Obi-wan say in annoyance. The vulture droids continue to get closer, "Flying is for droids!" I hear Obi-wan's voice as he pulled up, barely missing some debris.

I dodge the debris of a ship and glance back at Obi-wan's starfighter which was now crawling with buzz droids.

"I'm hit!" He says, "Audrey? Anakin?"

"Buzz droids." I hear Anakin answer.

I start to fly closer to try to help. One of the buzz droids crawls up to R4, "R4 careful you have a-" Obi-wan warns just as the buzz droid tears off R4's head, "Oh dear."

R3 gives a mournful beep as we dodge R4's head, "They're shutting down all the controls." Obi-wan shouts in panic.

"Move to the right so I can get a clear shot of them." Orders Anakin, flying closer.

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