Chpt. 8

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Audrey's POV

I watch as Obi-wan jumps into his starfighter and sigh. So much had changed. Everything had happened too fast. Too soon. 

I glance over at Padme whose expression was confused. Scared. Disbelieving. I understood. I barely understood what had happened myself. But now, it was clear. Anakin was gone. 

After a few moments of silence, Padme gets up.

"I'm going." She announces. To me or to herself? I didn't know.

"Where?" I ask quietly.

She closes her eyes for a moment, "I'm going to find Anakin and sort this out. There must be some sort of misunderstanding!"

I wanted to tell her that Anakin was truly gone. That he wasn't coming back. But I didn't. Because some small part of me still wanted to believe that there was good in him. So instead I look up determinedly, "I'm coming with you." It was a statement, and she wasn't changing my mind.

Padme sighs and nods, "Alright."

Together, we get into a speeder and arrive at her Naboo ship.

"My Lady, please let me come with you." Says Captain Typho, frowning worriedly.

"There is no danger. The fighting is over, and this is... personal." States Padme.

Captain Typho sighs, "As you wish my lady... But I strongly disagree."

Padme gives him a small smile, "I'll be alright, Captain. This is something I have to do alone. Besides, I have Audrey and 3P0."

Captain Typho glances at me, or more likely, my injury, "With all do respect, Audrey doesn't look very well at the moment..."

I grin a bit, "I'm fine." I reassure him. It was true. I had used the force when we were in the speeder to speed up the healing process.

Captain Typho gives us a nod, and we board the ship. The flight is silent, and I watch as we near a red planet. I tentatively reach out into my brother's side of the twin bond and can feel tendrils of darkness and shadow reach at me. I immediately block it, feeling scared. Oh Anakin ,how did we get here?

The ship lands on a platform and Padme sighs, slumping in her chair. I feel a rush of sympathy for her and hold her hand. 

"We'll do this together," I tell her gently.

She nods and abruptly gets out without a word. I look out the window and see a dark shape moving towards the ship. Anakin.

 "Stay here," I tell 3P0 before rushing after Padme.

When I reach the exit of the ship, I see Anakin and Padme embracing. I pause, staying in a shadow, letting them have a moment. I focus on Anakin. He looked almost back to normal when he was gazing into Padme's eyes. Almost. I could still see a glint of yellow in his eyes. There's still hope. I tell myself fiercely. He can still turn back.

I watch as they share words and as Padme desperately says something. An arm brushes my shoulder and I turn around, seeing Obi-wan. My eyes widen in surprise, but all he does is give me a gentle kiss and turns his gaze towards Anakin.

I look back at Anakin too, and his eyes narrow when he sees Obi-wan, "LIAR!" He yells at Padme.

I start forward, Anakin, we-"

He glares at me, "You're with him! You've betrayed me! You've brought him here to kill me!" He turns his glare to Padme too. Yeah, and literally a few hours ago, you were trying to kill me. I think sarcastically.

The EndOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant