Chpt. 4

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Audrey's POV

After we had crash-landed the ship, we take a shuttle to the senate building. Obi-wan leaves, saying he has to report to the Jedi Council, so I'm left alone with Anakin.

"If you don't mind, I'm going to go for some meditation," I tell him. "Today has left me exhausted."

Anakin shrugs, "Fine by me." He responds smiling, "Looks like I'm taking all the credit."

I give him a playful shove, "I'll see you later." 

He nods and hurries after the group of senators. I arrive at the Jedi Temple and begin wandering in the direction of the meditation gardens. They were located deep in the temple and I took my time. I reach the gardens and smile to myself as I see the greenery. This was one of my favourite places in the Jedi Temple. Mostly because it reminded me of the meadows on Ahch-to and because not many Jedi came here, so I had privacy.

Settling down, I close my eyes and dive deep into the force looking for answers. Was it right to kill Dooku? There had been a moment of darkness when I had killed him. I had felt cold. Scared. Angry. The thing that terrified me most was that a small part of me liked seeing his eyes lose the light. The small part of me that liked the feeling of him at my mercy. 

My thoughts chase each other around, and I suddenly feel something from Anakin's side of the twin bond. He was happy. About something. I smile to myself, thinking. Probably Padme. He had never told me about his probable secret marriage to Padme, but it was pretty obvious. Me and Obi-wan, on the other hand, were smarter and didn't display our feelings in public. Most of the time.

Sighing, I let meditation take me as I explore the force. I feel Master Yoda meditating with Master Windu. Master Jocasta in the Archives. A group of younglings sparring each other. I let myself slowly drift out of the meditation trance.

"So, how's meditation?" A voice right next to my ear.

"AH!" My eyes shoot open, and I punch Obi-wan in the stomach. Hard.

He gasps, clutching his stomach, "Note to self," He winces, "Never startle Audrey when she's meditating."

I roll my eyes, "serves you right." I grin at him, "So, what's up?"

"I just finished with reporting to the Council, so I thought that I might as well come find you and have some time together." He gives me a dashing smile.

I smile at the thought and we end up spending the rest of the night walking around the empty gardens gossiping. "You should get some rest." He tells me as I yawn.

I frown at the thought of leaving him and finally sigh in agreement, "Fine."

Obi-wan smiles and gives me a light kiss on the cheek. "Night." He murmurs into my ear.

*~The Next Day~*

Anakin and I stood before the Jedi Council after they had called us. I glance at Obi-wan questionably, but his expression gives nothing away. Master Yoda explains how they had accepted Anakin's appointment as the Chancellor's personal representative on the Jedi Council. I frown to myself. Somehow I had no idea when that had happened. What was going on??

"Allow this appointment lightly, the council does not." States Master Yoda, "disturbing, is this move by Chancellor Palpatine."

"I understand." Responds Anakin respectfully.

The understanding sinks in. Anakin was going to be put on the Jedi Council. I wait for jealousy to kick in, but instead, I only felt proud. I was proud of my twin for earning this. I really was. Although a small part of me wishes that I could have a place on the Council too, I shake the thought away. I wouldn't deserve it. After all, I'm the one who killed an unarmed man. You were avenging Qui Gon! A small voice tells me. No. I tell myself firmly, revenge is not the Jedi way.

I snap myself back into the present, "You are on this Council. But we do not grant you the rank of Master." Master Windu states.

My head snaps up, "What?" My tone was incredulous with a hint of anger. I immediately want to slap myself for speaking up without thinking.

Master Windu frowns at me, but I hold his gaze. Even though he had only trained me for a few months, I had gotten used to his glare. Obi-wan glances at me warningly too.

Anakin was not happy either, "How can you do this?" He says, voice trying to be steady, "This outrageous. It's unfair! How can you be on the Council and not be a Master?" His sentence ends louder than excpected.

Master Windu scowls, "Take a seat, young Skywalker." He orders.

Anakin bows and walks to his new seat, "I'm sorry, Master."

I see Obi-wan shaking his head disappointedly, and I nervously stand in the middle of the semi-circle of Jedi Masters.

Master Yoda looks at me, "You, young Skywalker bravely fought in the Clone Wars and against Count Dooku you have." I inwardly wince, "Shown great loyalty and understanding in the force you have also, like your Master."

I smile a bit, thinking about Qui Gon and Master Windu continues, "The Council has decided that you have the right to be granted the rank of Master."

I feel my eyes widen in surprise, "This is a great surprise." I begin, "But I'm not sure if I'm worthy of becoming a Jedi Master yet." My thoughts flit back to Dooku.

I can see Obi-wan shooting me a surprised glance I could tell that the rest of the Council was also surprised. They murmur to each other in hushed whispers and I feel my stomach clench. Should I have accepted?

Master Yoda speaks up, "Much you have to learn, yes. As a Jedi Master still you can continue to learn. Stop learning you do not when becoming a Jedi Knight. Never stop learning any of us." He gives me a gentle smile.

"Then it would be an honour." I bow respectfully and Master Windu nods a dismissal. I turn around and steal a quick glance at Anakin who's face was a mixture of emotions. Anger? Pride? Jealousy?

After I exit the Council Chambers, I wander around the Temple, lost in my thoughts. A real Jedi Master. I was now a full Jedi Master. My feet automatically take me down my usual path to the meditation gardens.

"Hey Audrey!" 

I glance up and see my friend Kennedy walking up to me. "Hey Kennedy!" I respond, smiling.

She smiles back and pats me on the back. "Or should I say Master Skywalker now?"

I roll my eyes, "Just call me Audrey." I pause, "Who told you? I only found out just today."

"Anakin told me." She replies, "He was walking back to his quarters when I bumped into him. Looked a bit angry at something." She shrugs.

I frown to myself, "I'm sure you'll be granted the rank of Master soon." I reassure her.

She shrugs, "I'm perfectly fine being a normal Jedi Knight."

I smile at her. These were one of the things that I loved about Kennedy. She was always fine with what she had. Never wanting more or less. " I'm going to go for meditation, want to join me?" I ask.

She shakes her head apologetically, "Sorry, I'm supposed to join Master Plo Koon on a mission to Cato Neimoidia."

I nod in understanding, "Then you'd better get going." We wave goodbye, 
May the Force be with you." I call.

"May the Force be with you too."

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