Chpt. 2

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Audrey's POV

We turn around, and I instinctively draw back into the force to prevent myself from going into a full-on rage. Really. Just seeing Dooku's smug face made me want to go into a full-on rage. Dooku walks forward with two droids beside him.

"This time we will do it together." Says Obi-wan, not taking his eyes off Dooku.

"I was about to say that." Responds Anakin indignantly.

Dooku does a front flip off the balcony and walks towards us. He takes out his lightsaber but doesn't ignite it- yet.

"Get help." Says the Chancellor, "You're no match for him, he's a sith lord!"

Obi-wan turns his head towards the Chancellor, "Chancellor Palpatine, sith lords are our specialty." He turns around, and we all take our cloaks off, ready to fight.

"Your swords, please." Says Dooku, smiling, "You don't want to make a mess of things in front of the Chancellor."

"You won't get away this time, Dooku." Obi-wan, Anakin and I step forward and ignite our lightsabers. I had perfected the art of using one lightsaber when duelling together and switching into both of them if things got out of hand.

We immediately begin duelling. I had to say, Dooku was a skilled fighter, considering there were three of us and only one of him. There was a slight pause.

"I've been looking forward to this." He says, only a hint of nervousness in his eyes.

"Our powers have doubled since the last time we met, Count." Says Anakin, narrowing his eyes.

Dooku smiles, "Good. Twice the pride, double the fall." 

We strike at the same time with flashes of colour here and there. Dooku pushes Obi-wan to the ground. I glare at him, and Anakin and I continue to duel him together. We make our way up the stairs, and Obi-wan joins us. Suddenly, Dooku pushes me into a wall, winding me. I gasp, trying to force air back into my lungs. My eyes widen as I see him force choke Obi-wan and Anakin. He throws Obi-wan against an upper platform knocking him unconscious and pushing the platform on his legs, pinning him down. Then he throws Anakin against the fallen platform, knocking him unconscious too.

"Anakin! Obi-wan!" My heart races, hoping that they were alright. I rush forward and kick Dooku in the chest. He does a backflip off the balcony and I follow. I could feel my anger starting to swell inside of me as we continue our duel. Our lightsabers clash and I push with all my might. 

"I sense great fear in you, Skywalker." He says, staring at me, "You have hate. You have anger, but you don't use them."

I could feel my emotions swirl inside me, and I couldn't stop the rage. This was the man who killed Qui Gon. The man who chopped off Anakin's arm. The man that knocked Obi-wan, the love of my life unconscious. I had had enough. I use the force to get my other lightsaber (Previously Qui Gon's) and take a step back, narrowing my eyes. I strike Dooku with both of my lightsabers, and we continue to duel. The force guides my hands, and I see an opening. I deftly swing my cyan blade across his hands, cutting them off cleanly. 

"That's for Anakin and Obi-wan," I growl, staring into his surprised eyes. 

I chop his lightsaber in half which had fallen out of his hands and he kneels before me, unable to move or else his head would be cut off. I grit my teeth, battling my emotions. He's an unarmed man, don't kill him. I wanted to put my lightsabers away and take him into custody, but one small part of me wanted to see him dead. I still had to avenge one more person. Qui Gon.

"I shouldn't," I murmur, trying to prevent tears from falling. I hear the chancellor say something behind me, but I don't pay attention. My emotions were getting to me. "He was your padawan," I whisper. "You were his mentor, his teacher!" My voice comes out as a sob, "He was my Master! I looked up to him!" I shudder, "And yo- you KILLED HIM!" I close my eyes, trying to gather myself.

I look at Dooku who was looking at the chancellor, his eyes clouding in confusion. He looks back at me and I could see a small trace of regret in his eyes. 

"Why did you do it?" I whisper, letting my emotions slowly start to cool down.

Dooku doesn't make direct eye contact, "It was his time to die. If I didn't do it, someone else would have."

That sends me completely away from calm. Rage takes over my body, "Then this is for Qui Gon." I whisper, a single tear falling from my eye.

My lightsabers cut his head off cleanly and I take a deep breath and close my eyes.

"You did well, Audrey." Says the Chancellor whose face looked a bit surprised.

I walk forwards and release the restraints of him. "I shouldn't have done that." I murmur, "He was an unarmed prisoner. It's not the Jedi way."

"He was too dangerous to be left alive anyway." Says the chancellor dismissively, standing up. "Now we must leave before more security droids arrive."

I nod, my mind still in shock. I was horrified that I had killed him. I had always tried not to kill anyone, but in war, that was always hard. The thing that scared me most was a small part of me was glad that I had killed him. Not now Audrey. I tell myself, I can go meditate on this once we get back to the Jedi Temple.

I jog over to Obi-wan and Anakin. "Audrey, leave them. There's no time, we have to get off the ship." The chancellor says, walking past me.

I ignore him and check their pulses and use the force to see how hurt they were. Obi-wan looked like he was going to be out for a while longer, but Anakin seemed like he would come around soon. "They seem to be alright." 

Palpatine frowns at me, "Leave them, or we'll never make it."

"They're fate will be the same as ours." I retort stubbornly.

I look back at Obi-wan and Anakin. Anakin groaned, slowly sitting up. "What happened?" He asks, glancing at me and the Chancellor. "Did Dooku-" He stops when he sees my face fall into a grimace.

"I'll explain later," I tell him before he can say another word.

He nods and glances at Obi-wan, "I'll carry him." He pulls Obi-wan onto his shoulders, and we race out of the room. 

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