Chpt. 3

216 3 2

Audrey's POV

We race down the halls and come to a halt at the elevators. I press the button, but nothing happens.

"Great, elevators not working," I mutter.

"R2, R3, activate elevator 32224," Anakin says into his comlink.

Suddenly, the ship begins to shake violently, and we start to slide backwards. We all grab onto the elevator shaft and pull ourselves in. We run down the elevator shaft hoping to reach the main hanger before the ship was stabilized again, but too late. The ship was stabilized, and we were sliding down the shaft. I grab onto one of the wires and stop myself, one arm hanging onto Anakin, and the other clinging on.

"Here," I growl, heaving Anakin up. He grabs onto another wire with the chancellor dangling on his leg.

I hear faint groaning and sigh in relief as I see Obi-wan open his eyes. "Easy," Cautions Anakin, "We're in a bit of a situation here."

"Did I miss something?" Obi-wan's voice was confused.

"You have no idea," I reply, thinking about Dooku.

A sudden whirring noise brings me back into the present. The elevator was coming down on us. "oops," Mutters Anakin, "R2, shut down the elevator!"

"Too late! Jump!" Obi-wan orders. We let go of the wires and slide down the shaft.

The elevator was getting closer. We took out our grappling hooks, and held on, swinging into a nearby hallway. We stand up, panting.

"Let's go to  the hanger bay and see if there's still something flyable." Suggests Obi-wan.

"R2, R3, get down here." Orders Anakin. 

I feel a slight disturbance in the force and immediately knew what was coming next."Anakin maybe we sho-" I begin.

Anakin waves me off, "Don't worry about it, Audrey, I got this under control." He says.

I raise one eyebrow, "We'll see." I mutter, slightly annoyed.

We run in the direction of the hangar bay but were abruptly stopped by ray shields. "ray shields." Mutters Anakin in frustration.

I bite my tongue, resisting the urge to say I told you so.

We all take a few deep breaths, "Wait a minute, how did this happen? We're smarter than this!" Says Obi-wan, his eyes flashing in annoyance.

I glance pointedly at Anakin, "Apparently not."

Anakin frowns at me, "I say... patience."

"Patience!?" Obi-wan's tone was slightly incredulous.

"Yes, in a moment R2 and R3 will be along in a few moments and they'll release the ray shields." States Anakin confidently.

I glance at him, "I don't think so."

Anakin glares at me in annoyance, "Can't you just be a little more patient?!"

I shrug, shaking my head no.

R2 and R3 both burst through the blast doors squealing and Anakin gives me a triumphant smile. "See? No problem."

I close my eyes, "And 3, 2, 1..."

Then 2 destroyer droids rolled in, all equipped with shield generators, and aimed their blasters at us. A bunch of other droids walked through a different door and surrounded R2. 

"I told you so," I mutter to Anakin under my breath as more battle droids surround us.

Obi-wan grimaces, "Do you have a plan B?" 

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