Chpt. 6

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I know I said I wasn't going to update very often anymore, but I was just so excited for this chapter that I decided to get it done ASAP!
I worked super hard on this, so I hope you enjoy!

Audrey's POV

After Obi-wan had left for Utapau, I decided to go to the meditation gardens again to clear my mind.

Settling down in the secluded area, I close my eyes, drifting into meditation. The force felt warm and welcoming as I explored its depth. I sigh, relaxing as peace washed over me.

You've grown. Came a deep, familiar voice.

If I hadn't been so deep in the meditation state, I would have jumped back. Q-Qui Gon?  My voice sounds shakey, and I open my eyes to see multiple coloured waves in the darkness and a faint outline.

My eyes widen as Qui Gon's familiar outline becomes more solid. He smiles gently at me and steps forward. 

My eyes immediately start to water. "I- How?" I couldn't get my words out right.

He sits  next to me and explains, "You're wondering how I'm here." He states.

I nod, still wondering if I had dozed off.

"The Force works in mysterious ways." He gestures to all the wave currents around us, "and it seems, that  there is a way to actually become one with the Force."

I nod in understanding, questions filling my mind, but all I could get out was, "I'm sorry." 

Qui Gon's eyes soften, knowing that I was referring to his death."You're still hanging on. You need to let go of your guilt."

"But it was my fault! If I had acted faster, if I had done more, I co-"

"You did all you could." Qui Gon cuts in, "It was my time to go."

I sigh, "I've missed you." I murmur.

"I'm proud of you." He smiles at me, "I've seen you struggle with your feelings. You've endured so much."

I feel my heart leap. Had he seen- "So, um... Do you know,  um- about...?" I was unable to finish my sentence.

Qui Gon raises an eyebrow, "You and Obi-wan?"

I feel my cheeks grow hot and I nod my head silently.

He sighs, "Audrey, I do wish that you didn't get together, but I am happy for you two. You make each other stronger." He smiles at me, "And I know how strong he makes you."

I smile back, "I'm glad you understand." I hesitate before asking, "Was I right to kill Dooku?"

"What do you think?" He inquires.

 I sigh, "I know I shouldn't have, bu-"

Qui Gon stops me, "Then it was alright." He says simply, "You regretted it didn't you?"

I nod, "Of course!"

"Then you are no closer to the dark side than any other Jedi." He stands up abruptly, frowning just as a sharp pain rushes into my head. 

I stumble back, gasping for air as visions rush into my head. Coldness washed over me. Anger. Hate. Regret. "Anakin." I gasp out as I see him rising in front of a deformed Palpatine.

"Rise, Darth Vader."

"NO!" I scream. My eyes fly open, and I was back in the meditation gardens, Qui Gon, gone. I feel a rush of adrenaline surge through me and I jump up, sprinting into the main halls of the temple. My heart thumps, and I try to push away the dark feelings that threatened to sweep me away. These are Anakin's emotions, not mine. I tell myself.

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