Chpt. 7

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Obi-wan's POV

I had just arrived on Coruscant with Master Yoda, shocked at all the bodies in the temple. I was hoping to find Audrey. Was she alright? She had to be. She was strong and fierce. I suppress my gasp when I see the carpet of the Temple filled with bodies of younglings, "Not even the younglings survived." I murmur sadly.

I see something on the ground and bend down to pick it up. It was a lightsaber. Audrey's lightsaber. I close my eyes, rocking unsteadily on my feet, "No," I whisper.

Master Yoda walks past me. He must have seen something else. I clutch the lightsaber. Tears pricking at my eyes. 

"Master Kenobi," Yoda calls me over, his voice urgent. I turn around, lightsaber still in hand. Master Yoda was standing by a pillar with cracks through it and I gasp at the figure underneath it. Bloody and battered, but I could see the faint rising and falling of the chest. "Audrey!" I run over and gently scoop her up.

 Audrey groans faintly, "Obi-wan?" She breathes.

"I'm here Audrey, don't worry." I give her a reassuring kiss and see Master Yoda frown behind me. I didn't care. Audrey was alive, and that's all that mattered.

Audrey's POV

I groan, opening my eyes slowly. The first thing I see is a pair of grey-blue eyes, filled with worry. "Obi-wan?" I whisper through my cracked throat. I feel someone put a glass against my lips, and I swallow the water gratefully.

"It's okay, Audrey. I'm here." He reassures.

Carefully sitting up, I squint. I was in the computer room of the temple and was lying on one of the chairs. "Wha-" I stop, memories flooding back into my mind. Anakin. Vader. The Younglings. Tears pool into my eyes and I try to blink them away.

 I touch my forehead and feel that the bleeding has stopped and the wound had already started to scar. Then I stretch my arm out and immediately stop. I could tell that the wound still hadn't healed and would take a while to be able to use it again. The same arm was also aching horribly, so I decided that I had probably dislocated it when I was slammed into the pillar.

Obi-wan sits down beside me and cradles me. "Who did this to you?" I knew he already knew the answer but still didn't believe it.

I see Master Yoda's eyes fill with sadness and knew that he knew too.

"Anakin," I whisper, closing my eyes in grief. My own twin had done this to me. 

Obi-wan shakes his head. "No." He steps back closing his eyes and reaches for the security holograms searching for something.

I hear the sounds of lightsabers clashing and my own voice. "NO!"

"It can't be." He whispers. Obi-wan continues looking through the holograms and stops. "I can't watch anymore."

I shut my eyes, trying not to recall our duel where I found out Anakin was gone. Master Yoda shifts, his eyes dark with sadness.

"Destroy the sith, we must." Says Master Yoda firmly.

"Send me to kill the Emperor." States Obi-wan, "I will not kill Anakin." I nod my head in agreement.

"To fight this Lord Sidious, strong enough, you are not." Master Yoda's eyes fill with worry.

"He is like my brother!" Obi-wan's voice was desperate, "I cannot do it!"

"Twisted by the dark side, young Skywalker has become. The boy you trained, gone he is. Consumed by Darth Vader."

"What about Audrey?" Obi-wan glances at me, "She's still weak."

Master Yoda's gaze softens, "Find shelter for her, you will." He replies calmly, "Fight Vader alone, you must."

Without another word, he walks out of the room leaving me and Obi-wan alone. Obi-wan scoops me up.

"Where are we going?" I whisper, still fighting tears.

Obi-wan kisses me gently, "Padme."

Obi-wan takes me to a speeder, and we quickly fly towards Padme's apartment in silence. When we reach Padme's apartment, she runs down the steps towards us.

"What happened?" Her face was taut with worry, and her eyes widen when she sees me, "Audrey!"

I grimace as Obi-wan helps me out of the speeder, "I'm fine." I tell her softly. 

Padme helps me onto the couch and stares at Obi-wan, "What happened?" She asks anxiously.

Obi-wan avoids her question, "When was the last time you saw Anakin?" He asks.

"Yesterday." She responds hesitantly.

"And do you know where he is now?" Questions Obi-wan.

"No." Her answer came too fast, and she avoids our eye contact.

"Padme, we need your help, he's in grave danger," says Obi-wan.

"From the sith?" Padme looks up anxiously.

I look up from my spot on the couch, "From himself," My voice breaks, and I'm unable to continue.

Obi-wan speaks up, "Padme... Anakin has turned to the dark side."

"You're wrong!" Padme's voice shakes, "How could you even say that?"


"I have seen a security hologram of him killing younglings. And Audrey..." He glances at my injuries. My forehead, still bloody. My arm, aching.

"Not Anakin." Padme's voice was desperate, he couldn't..."

"He was deceived by a lie. We all were." I whisper.

"It appears that the chancellor is behind everything, including the war." He pauses, "Palpatine is the sith lord we've been looking for. After the death of Count Dooku, Anakin became his new apprentice."

"I don't believe you." She says, "I can't."

I could tell that she was confused. Hurt. Scared. She sits down next to me.

"Padme," I whisper. "We must find him."

"You're going to kill him, aren't you." She whispers tears in her eyes.

I jerk back, hurt, "Never!"

Obi-wan glances at me, "He has become a very great threat." He says staring imploringly at Padme.

"I can't." She says again.

Obi-wan sighs, "Take care of Audrey." He says, "She's too weak." He gives me a gentle kiss.

Padme nods silently as Obi-wan jumps into his starfighter.

Hi! Sorry for the short update, I've been really busy with school, so don't expect too many updates! Hope you enjoyed and have a great day!

~May The Force Be With You~


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